Converting ManagementStudio from Non-SSL to SSL

Modified on Fri, 1 Apr, 2022 at 3:50 PM



The Non-Secure Socket Layer (HTTP) is the basic communication protocol that both clients and servers must implement in order to be able to communicate, It covers things such as requests and responses, sessions, caching, authentication and more. All these are sent in clear text allowing the network through which the information passes to see the information transmitted. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL/HTTPS) protocol allows the client and server to communicate in an encrypted channel. ManagementStudio can be configured to communicate using wither of the communication channels. This article will describe the steps to switch ManagementStudio from a Non-Secure Socket Layer to a Secure Socker Layer connection (i.e Http to Https website).

Step 1: Import Certificate onto IIS server

  • Click on Start menu, and then search for Run.
  • Type in mmc and Click OK
  • Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
  • Select Certificates > Add.


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  • Select Computer Account and then click Finish.

  • Select Local Computer and then click Finish. Then close the add standalone snap-in window and the add/remove snap-in window.

  • Click the + to expand the certificates (local computer) console tree and look for the personal directory/folder. Expand the certificates folder.
  • Right-click Personal and select All Tasks > Import.

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  • Follow the certificate import wizard to import your primary certificate from the .pfx file. When prompted, choose to automatically place the certificates in the certificate stores based on the type of the certificate.
  • A dialog box appears indicating the import was successful. Click OK.


Step 2: Enable new Certificate on server

  • On the Start menu, Click Administrative tool-> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  • In the IIS Manager, Click the server name.
  • Expand site folders.
  • Select the ManagementStudio site.
  • On the Actions panel on the right, click Bindings.
  • In the Site Bindings window, click the site’s Hostname, then click Add. (or Edit if you are updating a certificate binding).
  • Fill out information in the Add site binding window. In the dropdown choose:
  • Https
  • IP address to the IP address of the site or choose all unassigned
  • The port for SSL traffic is usually 443
  • The Host name
  • Enter the recently imported certificate in the SSL Certificate field
  • Click OK.
  • Click Close to close the site Bindings dialog box.
  • The SSL certificate is now installed and the website configured to accept secure connections.
  • In the Actions panel on the right, click Restart to complete the installation process.

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Step 3: Configure and Test ManagementStudio

From this

"LocalSiteUrl": "http://localhost:90",


"LocalSiteUrl": "https://localhost:443",

  • Save the file.
  • Open IIS Manager.
  • Expand the Sites node.
  • Select ManagementStudio website.
  • Click Browse Website link. In the web browser append “/0” to the end of the url (e.g Https://localhost:443/0) and press return. This should display the following page.


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  • This will confirm that the change is working.
  • Close down the web page.
  • Launch ManagementStudio.
  • Enter Username and Password.
  • In the ManagementStudio URL box, enter the new URL eg https://localhost:443
  • Click Sign In.
  • Once logged on, switch to Administration > Global Settings (1).
  • Select Site and Email config (2).
  • Amend the URL within the Public URL (3) to the new URL.
  • Click Save Changes (4).

  • Restart ManagementStudio and login.
  • This completes the change from non-SSL to a SSL connection.
  • Send out the new URL to users to use to access ManagementStudio.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.