User Accounts

Modified on Tue, 18 Jan, 2022 at 3:48 PM


Video Short - Creating User Accounts, best viewed Full Screen.


All users of ManagementStudio require a user account to login. User Accounts are maintained in this section. Permissions for the accounts are applied by adding the users to Role Groups. Role Group Permissions are defined elsewhere this section is only for the creation and maintenance of the user accounts not permissions.

Click the Administration icon on the lower left of the ManagementStudio screen. 

On the Administration page click the Users icon in the User Accounts, Roles and Permissions

User Accounts

Main Screen Overview

  1. Summary of the Role Groups defined in ManagementStudio and the number of users within each group. Clicking on a specific Role Group will filter users displayed in the 'User Summary' panel (3) on the right.
  2. The tool bar is common across many layouts in ManagementStudio, have a look at the solution article for the tool bar common functions. This toolbar contains additional specific functions to create a New Account and Add Existing users from other ManagementStudio projects.
  3. Key information about the accounts in ManagementStudio - such as the User Name, Enabled status and Last Login. This panel can be filtered to specific further by selecting a role from the Role Groups panel (1). 
  4. Details the Blueprint Rules applied per user

Creating a User Account

Mandatory information required to create a new user account:

  • ManagementStudio User Name (Must be unique)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address (Must be unique)

New accounts and password reset depend on the user having a 

Administrators will never need to know the users password, rather the user is sent an email inviting them to create a password.

To create a new project user account click on the New Account icon

Complete the details in the fields below, a note e.g. describing who the user is or why they have account can be added if required. Required fields are:-

  • User Name
  • Email
  • First Name
  • Last Name

New User Account requires ALL users have unique email addresses, so it is not possible to give a user two accounts if they only have one email address.

If the check box Send the ManagementStudio Welcome Email is selected the user will receive an email from the system. The email template is located in Administration - Project Settings.

Existing Accounts from other projects

If a potential user for the current project already has a ManagementStudio account on a different project it is possible to add that user to the current project. Globally User Names may only exist once within the whole product so it is not possible to have two different users with the same User Name in different projects.

The system will display the error below in the event that a user name is already in use.

Users Grid - Right click menu.

The right click menu allows amendment of the user accounts

Send Notifications

Allows sending of message via the User Interface or Via the User Interface & Email. It is useful if all or some users need to be informed centrally of system changes or planned outages. The UI alert will notify users within 2 minutes.

Resulting UI notification...

Add & Remove Role 

Role Groups are configured elsewhere in the admin section of ManagementStudio. This article provides an overview on Role Group management. The following only details how to add or remove a role from a user account.

A Users existing Roles can be viewed buy scrolling the user grid to the right.

User permissions are granted by adding Roles to an account. To grant a role, click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select Add Roles.

Click a Role or Roles (CTRL + Click to select multiple roles) then click Add Roles.

Removing roles is similar.

To remove a role, click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) and select Remove Roles.

The system will present all the Roles, not just the Roles the selected user(s) are in.

Click a Role or Roles (CTRL + Click to select multiple roles) then click Remove Roles.

Add and Remove Blueprint Rules

Blueprint Rules restrict the user view within ManagementStudio. Users will only be able to view records that match the Blueprint Rules applied to their account.  Blueprint Rules are configured elsewhere in the admin section of ManagementStudio. The following only details how to add or remove a Blueprint Rule from a user account.

A Users existing Blueprint Rules can be viewed buy scrolling the user grid to the right.

Blueprint Rules are assigned by adding them to a User Account. To assign a Blueprint Rule, click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select Add Blueprint Rules.

Click a Role or Roles (CTRL + Click to select multiple rules) then click Add Blueprints.

Removing rules is similar.

To remove a rule, click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) and select Remove Blueprint Rules.

The system will present all the Rules, not just the Rules the selected user(s) are in.

Click a Rule or Rules (CTRL + Click to select multiple rules) then click Remove Blueprints.

Reset User Password

To issue a Password Reset click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select Reset User Password, a confirmation screen is shown as below and issue the reset click Reset Password. 

The user is sent an email inviting them to change their password.

Resend Welcome Email

To Resend the Welcome Email click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select Resend Welcome Email, a confirmation screen is shown as below and issue the reset click Resend Welcome Email. 

The user is sent the welcome email.

Remove User from Project

To remove a user from the project click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select  Remove User From Project. Ensure the Yes I'm sure tick box is checked and then click Remove User(s).

Enable Account

Multi-Project Caution: This will enable the user account in every project. If the intention is to enable access for a user to just one project whilst remaining disabled in other projects then the user should be removed from the other projects instead.

To enable a user account click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select  Enable Account. Click Enable Account in the resulting dialogue box.

Disable Account

Multi-Project Caution: This will disable the user account in every project. If the intention is to disable access for a user to just one project while allowing the user to work in other projects then the user should be removed form the project instead.

To disable a user account click the user or users (CTRL + Click to select multiple users) then Right Click and select  Disable Account. Ensure the Yes I'm sure tick box is checked then Click Disable Accounts in the resulting dialogue box. 

The last four options detail making changes to the fixed data associated with each user

Set Account Note

This field is displayed by default at the time of writing. The Note can be added to a user account when it is created or using this option. It facilitates storage of additional data regarding that individual user account i.e. Job Role so it could contain "Project Manager" "Planner" "Communications" "Infrastructure Engineer"

Whilst it is very helpful in large environments to have this information it is not a requirement to have the Notes field populated. If used correctly it will be possible to filter the user grid to show, for example, only Project Managers.

Set Group Text

Three additional Group fields are available to switch on from the tool bar. Each field can contain some text. The contents of these additional group fields is not at all prescriptive so could contain additional data about that user or their responsibilities for example Group1 = Country   Group2 = Business Team   Group3 = Line Manager

If correctly set and used it will be possible to show only users from a country or a team or who report to the same manager

Change User Email Address

This option allows the users email address to be changed. Email addresses must be unique and are required for users to receive their own logins and perform password resets. Every ManagementStudio user requires an email address.

Change User Account Name

This option allows the users Login ID to be changed. Usually this account name follows the AD or Azure AD login the user might already have but it does not need to be the same.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.