This document is intended for use by internal staff only.
When existing MigrationStudio customers are preparing for a move to ManagementStudio it's important that both products are run "side-by-side" for a period to allow the upgrade to be planned, data collected, and the upgrade executed without any interruption in service.
This article describes a suggested approach to achieving a side-by-side installation with both websites running on the same IP port. Note that an alternative solution is to use a different IP port for each website; however, for most corporate environments, running websites on non-standard ports (i.e. ports other than 80 or 443) will not be possible due to firewall policies.
Solution Overview
- MigrationStudio setup:
- v7 (latest) installed
- Hosted on IIS Default Web Site
- Running on one of the standard ports (80 or 443)
- ManagementStudio setup:
- Installed on the same IIS server as MigrationStudio
- Hosted on separate IIS web site
Side-by-Side Installation
During the version upgrades, we will be probably be required to install ManagementStudio alongside MigrationStudio. DC has completed this with Richards help on his server. Here are the findings.
V10 will need DNS entry in the target environment. In my LAB the domain was msl.local so a new DNS entry was created called ManagementStudio.msl.local that pointed to the ManagementStudio server's IP address,
On IIS in the default website should be bound to the server name or address already in use by V7. My existing URL was
http://MSAD/migrationstudio so a binding is required for the server name on port 80 as I do not use SSL.
The binding for V10 needs to be on port 80 but this time referencing the new DNS entry.
HTTPS Installs
If the customer uses SSL, a new (webserver identity) certificate that matches the ManagementStudio DNS entry will be required. Once the cert is imported it needs to be bound to the new website:
- Enter the hostname (1) as it appears in the certificate - if these don't match, a certificate error will be displayed in the browser.
- Check Require Server Name Indication (2) - this enables more than one SSL certified website to be bound to the same IP address on the server. Without this, the MigrationStudio website and ManagementStudio website will share the same cert (the most recent one to be applied).
- Select the new SSL certificate (2) and click OK.
- This step should be repeated for the existing MigrationStudio website.
Update AppSettings.json
Finally the JSON file must be changed to the correct hostname. On my server, the file is located in C:\inetpub\MigrationStudioV10
Creating a DNS Alias without a DNS Server
On lab setups that don't have a DNS server, a local alias can be created using the hosts file. Open Notepad using Run as Administrator and open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
At the bottom of the file, add a new entry for the server's IP and a new DNS alias. For example: managementstudio.local
If the server is running on the same device as the client (i.e. a laptop), use for the IP address.
Once saved, the change is effective immediately.
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.