ManagementStudio - Upgrade FAQ

Modified on Wed, 19 Jan, 2022 at 12:27 PM


What is the intention?

To upgrade your versions of MigrationStudio or AppTracker to the new product ManagementStudio.

Why are you doing this?

As you may know, Microsoft is ending support for Silverlight late in 2021. MigrationStudio has a dependency on Silverlight. This does not mean that MigrationStudio will stop working but there will be no more security updates to Silverlight after that time.

Do I have to upgrade?

You may, of course, choose to continue using Silverlight and MigrationStudio Version 7 after support for Silverlight ends, and we do expect several customers who have inflight projects to continue to do that. We are committed to supporting MigrationStudio Version 7 until Dec 2022.

What will happen?

There are three possible paths to migrate to ManagementStudio. In discussions, we will help you determine which method is the best fit for your business and your project lifecycle. In all scenarios, the existing MigrationStudio instance is preserved for historical lookup should it be required.

  • Option 1. No Data Migration
    Install ManagementStudio alongside MigrationStudio and begin to use it with no data migration, at this point MigrationStudio could be made read-only. You may wish to finish your project on MigrationStudio and start afresh with ManagementStudio.
  • Option 2. Data Migration with parallel activities
    Install ManagementStudio alongside MigrationStudio and migrate the data. Over the coming weeks finish In-Progress activities in MigrationStudio and manually update ManagementStudio, i.e., Application Packages completed etc… New apps should be requested in ManagementStudio.
  • Option 3. Full data migration – hard stop
    Install ManagementStudio alongside MigrationStudio, migrate the data and complete a cutover. MigrationStudio should be made read-only immediately as ManagementStudio should now be considered the up-to-date product.

In all cases, an instance of ManagementStudio must be installed. We assume that it will be installed on the existing MigrationStudio IIS server and the new SQL database will be installed on the existing SQL server, so no new hardware should be required. Obviously, there will be a storage overhead but that will vary depending on which upgrade option is selected. Your consultant will help to calculate the storage requirements.

Roles and Responsibilities

Upgrade MigrationStudio Version 7 to the latest release
Make an anonymised copy of V7 Database and upload it to the Lab
Install ManagementStudio
Create New DNS for ManagementStudio
Depending on Option – Change Freeze MigrationStudio
Data may still change but not screen designs, fields etc.

Export config logs and send to Lab
Prepare client-specific ManagementStudio config
Review ManagementStudio config - Evaluate and Refine
Arrange training for key people
Go live date agreed
Cutover or Trial Cutover with DB snapshots
Hyper care period to ensure fast response
Agree on a date for MigrationStudio decommission or sunset

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.