Deployment Unit - Schedule (Module) Tab

Modified on Tue, 21 Mar, 2023 at 11:29 AM



The Schedule tab presents the list of items in the deployment unit on a grid. In this section, a Project Admin has the ability to schedule a list of items within a particular deployment unit for a Migration project For example a list of Users. The Users and Status are colour coded to make scheduling easier and efficient. 

Accessing the Schedule (Module) Tab

To view the Schedule tab:

  • Click on Deployment Units (1) menu from the left hand pane and select one of the following:
  • My Deployment Units (2) to display all deployment units that are assigned to the logged on ManagementStudio user or
  • All Deployment Units (3) to display all deployment units within the project
  • Double click a deployment unit (4) from the main grid to open the details panel.

The deployment Unit's Target module will reflect the corresponding Schedule tab i.e A User Migration DU will have a User migrations tab and a Devices DU will display Devices.

  • Select Schedule - User Migrations (1) from the tabbed menu bar

The Schedule Tab Layout

  • The Control Bar across the top (2) provides quick access to common features.  From left to right:
    • Reload
    • Search Grid
    • Clear search
    • Toggle Column Group Bar on and off (required if grouping information by a particular heading).
    • Select All
    • Select None
    • Invert (selection)
    • Copy to Clipboard (Selected)
    • Export to Excel
    • Export to CSV
    • Pivot to Chart
    • Pivot to Table
    • Grid Column Chooser
    • Help
  • The Main grid displays details of users in the deployment unit (3).  The button menu bar interacts with this grid. The details from left to right:
    • Details
    • Status - Scheduled status of the user
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Sam Account
    • Domain
    • Migration Type
    • Email
    • Id
    • Migration Slot Start
    • Migration Slot End
  • The total number of users (4) within the deployment unit

Additional columns for each module can be enabled to be displayed within the Schedule main grid. For example, for a User migration, switch to Administration\User Migrations\Self-Schedule & DU

Using the Context Menu

The context menu (right-click on the grid) provides multi-select functionality to the grid. It is possible to select one item using the left click of the mouse, or multiple items using a combination of CTRL or SHIFT and left-click.

Context Menu OptionDescription
Send Emails: Send Request EmailSends an email to the selected user inviting them to choose a booking slot.
Send Emails: Send Reminder EmailSend a reminder email inviting the user to choose a booking slot.
Send Emails: Send Complete EmailSends booking confirmation.
Send Emails: Send Update Booking EmailSends an email advising of changes to a slot.
Send Emails: Send Cancel Booking EmailSends an email advising that the slot has been cancelled.
Auto Schedule SlotsTakes a percentage of the selected objects (e.g. Users) and allocates a randomly selectly slot.  This allows gaps in the schedule to enable slots to be removed.
Add to Migration SlotAssigns a specific migration slot.  This will not overlook a slot with more objects than it can hold and it will not overwrite a User's current slot if one is present.  User the Clear Migration Slot action first if changing an existing booking.
Override Migration SlotAllows an out of bounds slot to be assigned to objects that are not necessarily part of the official schedule.  This also allows objects to be flagged as an exception, unlocked to rebook their slot and book after the DU web booking has officially expired.
Clear Migration SlotClears the object's Migration Slot and resets the exception flags.
Copy Self-Schedule UrlCopy the link to the object's Self-Schedule booking page to the clipboard.
Copy DetailsAllows the user to copy selectable fields to the clipboard.
Add to Deploy UnitAdd additional objects to the current Deployment Unit.
Remove from Deploy UnitRemove the selected object(s) from the current Deployment Unit.

Scheduling Users

Before attempting to schedule the users on the grid, it is recommended to have the following defined within the schedule config tab:

  • A deployment unit start date/time
  • A deployment unit End date/time
  • Number of Migration Slots
  • Any specific constraints

Users on the grid can be scheduled via the following options:

  1. Manual Scheduling
  2. Auto Scheduling
  3. Self Scheduling

Manual Scheduling

  • Select the Users (1) to schedule on the grid
  • Right click on the selected users
  • Select Add to Migration Slot (2) from the context menu
  • This will expand a list of all available Migration slots in the DU (3), the number of free slots in each session will be shown in brackets
  • Click the Session to add the selected users to
 Assign a specific slot to a group of users. This will not overbook a slot with more Users than it can hold and it will not overwrite a Users' current slot of one is present. Use the 'Clear Migration Slot' action first if changing an existing booking is required.

  • Upon adding the selected users to the chosen session, the status of these users will change (1) from 'No Date Booked' to 'Scheduled'
  • The corresponding Migration Slot Start date and time (2) is also updated against the selected users

Auto Scheduling

  • Select the Users to schedule on the grid
  • Right-click on the Users and select Auto Schedule Slots (1) from the context menu
  • ManagementStudio will add these users to the available slots starting at the earliest and working its way towards the latest
ManagementStudio will take a percentage of the selected Users and gives them a randomly selected slot. This allows gaps in the schedule so that there is room for Users to move their slot when they are asked to confirm their slot time

  • You have the ability to increase or decrease the percent of items to schedule (1)
  • When you have chosen your preferred percent, click on OK (2) to initiate the process of auto scheduling the selected users

Self Scheduling

  • Select the Users to send out the self schedule link to on the grid
  • Right click, select Send Emails -> Send Request Email
  • The selected Users will receive an email with a Self Schedule link embeded similar to the below screenshot

  • Clicking on the link, opens the portal with all available Migration Slots

  • The User clicks on Book Slot to select a convenient Migration slot 
  • Clicks Confirm on the confirm migration slot window
  • A confirmation message is displayed on the portal, followed by
  • A sent booking confirmation email with or without an enclosed ICS file

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Reload: CTRL+R

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.