How to Create a Team DU Scheduling Survey

Modified on Tue, 18 Jan, 2022 at 3:07 PM



Due to constraints within a project, it might be useful to have a Deployment unit owner, a project coordinator, Scheduler carry out the scheduling on behalf of the end-users. ManagementStudio provides the ability to present the available migration slots within a deployment unit to the scheduler via a web portal. This article will outline the steps required to configure this. It is assumed, the deployment unit has been created, with a set start and end date, the schedule config configured. 

Create Deployment Unit Survey

  • Switch to Administration->Deployment Units (1).
  • Select Surveys (2).

  • Click New Survey (1).
  • Enter the Name of the Survey (2).
  • Click OK (3).

  • Turn off most of the survey features:
  • Pass/Fail/Save buttons
  • Lock on complete
  • Show completed by
  • Comments trigger fail
  • Show comments box
  • Click on Display Fields (1) from the tabbed menu on the left.
  • Click on New Field (2).
  • Ensure the Special Control dropdown is set to Datamining Report (3).
  • Set the Width to 12 (4).
  • Set the Special Control Args to (5):

  • ReportName: User Self-Schedule Report;
    Columns: Expression_ScheduleUser, Expression_FullName, UserMigrations_DeployUnitSlotStart, Expression_Booked;

  • Click Save Changes (6).

Sending out the Portal/Survey Link

  • Switch to the Deployment Units (1) module.
  • Select and double click on the corresponding deployment unit on the grid (2).
  • Click on the Surveys tab (3).
  • Select the newly created survey (4) from the tabbed menu on the left.
Ensure you have the deployment Unit's owner email address in the primary email address field.

  • Click on Send Email and select Send Request Email (5).


  • The User will receive an email similar to this

  • Upon clicking on Complete Allocation, the user will be presented with the scheduling portal page similar to the below screenshot.

  • The DU owner clicks on Schedule User and allocates a migration slot for the user.
  • The end-user receives a confirmation email advising the date and time of their appointment.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.