Scheduled Tasks Manager

Modified on Mon, 17 Oct, 2022 at 4:20 PM



Scheduled tasks are a reoccurring point time that other parts of ManagementStudio can subscribe to. e.g. a 'Morning Jobs' task can be created to run every day at 8 am. Then the SCCM and AD Sync can be subscribed to the ''Morning Job's task. More than one job can be subscribed to a Scheduled Task. e.g. in the example above 'Send morning dashboards' and 'App SLA Reminder' jobs could all be added to the 'Morning Jobs' task.

Accessing the Scheduled Tasks

Switch to Administration->Scheduled Tasks Manager

Default Scheduled Tasks

ManagementStudio ships with some Schedule Tasks already defined. These can be used, edited or removed as required. 

Schedule Name

The name of a Scheduled Task is used in the dropdowns on other sections. E.g. in the PowerShell Scripts admin panel the name and enabled/disabled status is listed. The other parts of the schedule are not shown in these sections so it is important to use descriptive names that convey the times the schedule will run at. E.g. 'Morning Jobs(8am)',  'Hourly Reporting Jobs', 'Nightly Housekeeping (9pm)' etc.

Is Enabled

Schedules can be temporarily turned off using the 'Is Enabled' checkbox without orphaning any underlining scripts that are linked to the scheduled task


The interval in conjunction with the days of the week describes when a scheduled task will run (and reoccur). The interval can be set to run a specific time of day as long as the time is either 00, 15, 30 45 min past the hour and will run once a day or use one of the built-in intervals to run multiple times a day.

Run on Days

The 'Run on Days' controls what days a task is allowed to run. E.g. it is possible to create a heavy-duty job that only runs on the weekends. or a weekly report that only runs on Fridays.

Delete Schedule

To delete a schedule tick the 'Delete' checkbox and save your changes. Any scripts that are linked to this schedule will be orphaned and no longer run. 

Sequencing Jobs

When a Scheduled Task runs it looks at all jobs linked to that task and orders them by priority. The jobs are then executed one at a time, with each one waiting for the previous to complete before starting. 


If it two scheduled tasks run at the same time e.g. a task set to run every 2 hours and another to set to run every 4 hours will collide every second run. In this case, all the jobs are bundled together, ordered by priority and executed one after the other.

Parallel Tasks

All jobs in a task or in a collision of tasks run in sequence however, each Scheduled Task runs in parallel to each other (excluding collisions above). This means if there is a job that is run at 9 am and takes 2 hours to complete i.e. the SCCM Sync and another job is started at 9:15 am by a different Scheduled Task then these two jobs will run in parallel and will not have to wait for the first to complete. 


Jobs inside of a Scheduled Task run in sequence by priority, while Scheduled Tasks run in parallel to each other.  Collisions are treated as one big Scheduled Task and all jobs are combined and run in sequence. 

Intervals Explained

  • At Specific Time
    • Use the time picker to pick a time
    • e.g. 9:00 am,  1:45 pm, 7:15 pm
    • Runs once per day
    • Note. Only 00, 15, 30 and 45 min are valid times
  • Every 15 Min
    • Runs at 00, 15, 30, 45 min
  • Every 30 Min
    • Runs at 00, 30 min
  • Every Hour
    • On the hour, every hour
  • Every 2 Hours
    • Runs every 2 hours, starting at 12
    • 12, 2, 4, 6, 8 etc
  • Every 3 Hours
    • Runs every 3 hours, starting at 12
    • e.g. 12, 3, 6, 9 etc
  • Every 4 Hours
    • Runs every 4 hours, starting at 12
    • e.g. 12, 4, 8, 12 etc

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.