Creating a Scheduled Task

Modified on Thu, 13 Jul, 2023 at 11:45 AM



In this article, I'll go through the process of creating a schedule task and also configuring the schedule task to run an ESM plan that needs to be ran at 11:30am every Monday. 


Step 1 - Create the Schedule Task

  • Switch to Administration->Scheduled Tasks Manager (1)
  • Click her to add new item (2)
  • Specify accordingly (3)
    • Schedule Name e.g. Evergreen Servicing Plan
    • Interval times or at a specific time. The plan needs to run at 11:30am
    • Start hour 
    • End hour
    • Days of the Week you want the task to run e.g. Monday
  • Click Save Changes (4)
  • You will need to refresh your project for this changes to take effect

Step 2 - Assign the Schedule Task to a Plan

  • Switch to Administration -> Extensions-> Servicing Plans -> [Module Plan] (1)
  • Select the Required ESM plan, in this case App Due for Review Send Email (2) is selected
  • Click on the Schedule to Run At #1 dropdown menu (3)
  • Select the Schedule Task created from the previous step (4) Evergreen Servicing Plan 
  • Click Save (5)
  • The Plan 'App Due For Review Send Email' has been scheduled to run at 11:30am every Monday

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