Blueprint - Mirroring

Modified on Tue, 18 Jan, 2022 at 3:53 PM



Where an item such as a user is linked to another item, such as an application, it may be useful to "mirror" the Blueprints between the two items. 

There are six types of Blueprint Mirroring available:

Mirror App to User Blueprints

Where an app is linked to a user, this option will add the user to all Blueprints the app is in.

Mirror App to Device Blueprints

Where an app is linked to a device, this option will add the device to the Blueprints the app is in.

Mirror User to Device Blueprints

Where a user is linked to a device, this option will add the device to the Blueprints the user is in. 

Mirror User to App Blueprints

Where a user is linked to an app, this option will add the app to the Blueprints the user is in. 

Mirror Device to User Blueprints

Where a device is linked to a user, this option will add the user to the Blueprints the device is in.

Mirror Device to App Blueprints

Where a device is linked to an app, this option will add the app to the Blueprints the device is in.


A user in the Finance department has been added to the Finance Blueprint. They have used one application, hence a link exists between the user and that application. 

There is a requirement to view all the "Finance Applications". 

1) Use the "Mirror User to App Blueprints" on the Finance Blueprint

2) The application is automatically added to the Finance Blueprint

 3) The "Finance Applications" can now be viewed by using the Blueprint segment for Finance:


Example: There is a requirement to view all the applications used by members of the Finance department.

Step 1: Create the Blueprint (if required)

Note. If the Blueprints are automatically being created by a connector (e.g. the Active Directory connector) then this step won't be required.

Switch to the Administration (1) view and select Blueprints (2) menu from within the settings section.
Left click on the Edit (1) symbol within the root folder.
Select ‘New Folder\Blueprints’ from List from the context menu.

Enter the New Blueprint Folder\Blueprint name called ‘Departments\Finance’ (1).

Click OK (2).

Step 2: Add Users to the Blueprint (if required)

Note. If users are being automatically added to Blueprints by a connector (e.g. the Active Directory connector) then this step won't be required.

Switch to All User Migrations in the User Migration module 
  • Select the Finance users
  • Right-click
  • Blueprints
  • Add to
  • Choose the Finance Blueprint
  • Add

Step 3: Enable Blueprint Mirroring

Switch to the Administration (1) view and select Blueprints (2) menu from within the settings section.

Expand the Departments folder

Click on the Edit symbol (1) -> Mirror Blueprints -> Mirror User to App Blueprints -> Mirror Add (2)

Click on the Edit symbol (1) -> Mirror Blueprints -> Mirror User to App Blueprints -> Mirror Remove (2)

This will ensure that when new applications are linked or unlinked from users in the Finance Blueprint, the applications with be automatically added or removed from the Finance Blueprint.


The next time the Housekeping task Sync Mirrored Blueprints runs the applications will be automatically added to or removed from the Blueprint.

It's possible to manually run Sync Mirrored Blueprints from Administration -> Project Settings -> Housekeeping -> Sync Mirrored Blueprints -> click Run Now

Further Support

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