Running an ESM Service Plan via the Context Menu

Modified on Fri, 31 Mar, 2023 at 4:36 PM



This article walks through the steps required to run an ESM Service Plan from the context menu within the grid. Sometimes, it might be useful for a User to be able to run a specific ESM plan against a selected item on the grid. The plan will run the Evaluator, the Scheduler and finally the required Action plan from a single click on the grid. The example that follows will use the Devices module to illustrate the concept although this approach applies to all modules (Applications, Users, Mailbox, Bespoke and Deployment unit) within ManagementStudio. 


Create an ESM plan for the respective module. Administration->Extensions->Servicing Plans->[Module]Plans

A Device Service plan called Add to Collection has been created within Administration->Extensions->Servicing Plans->Device Plans. This plan essentially adds a device to a collection if the device meets the set evaluation criteria. In this example we'll be giving the User the ability to do the following from the context menu on the grid.

  • Reset the Plan
  • Evaluate the Plan
  • Schedule the Plan
  • Publish the Plan
An Admin has the ability to restrict, what actions a User can see and run from the Context menu. 

Create and Configure the UI Buttons

  • Switch to Administrations->Devices->UI Buttons.
  • Scroll down to the existing button grid and click Click here to add new item.
  • Set the button label to Run ESM Plans.
  • Click the Sub-Button on the row you just created with Run ESM Plans (Repeat this steps until you have the following sub buttons). Set the button labels to:

  • Reset - Add to Collection.
  • Evaluate - Add to Collection
  • Schedule - Add to Collection
  • Publish - Add to Collection

  • Click the column picker in the top right corner (1) and check the Args 1 and Args 2 options (2) to enable the columns on the grid.


  • Set the Run Script to ESM - GridAction
  • Enter the name of the ESM Plan in Args 1. The example target plan is Add to Collection.
  • Enter the Args 2 commands based on the corresponding button.

The button icons can be changed if you wish. Find more icons here, and type over the icon name on the grid.

Button LabelRun ScriptArgs 1Args 2Description
Reset - Add to CollectionESM - GridActionAdd to CollectionReset-PlanRulesResets the Plan.

Evaluate - Add to Collection

ESM - GridActionAdd to CollectionEvaluate-PlanRulesRuns the evaluation.

Schedule - Add to Collection

ESM - GridActionAdd to CollectionSchedule-PlansSchedules the Plan based on the specified settings in the plan.

Publish - Add to Collection

ESM - GridActionAdd to CollectionExecute-PlanActionsPublishes the Plan.

  • Ensure the buttons are enabled.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Restart the client when prompted.

If no commands are specified in Arg2, it will run the 4 process - Reset, Evaluate, Schedule and Execute command from single click on the grid.

Please refer to this article for more information on creating a User defined UI button.

Run The ESM Plan from the Context Menu

  • Switch to Devices module.
  • Select a Device or group of devices (1) on the grid.
  • Right-click and select Run ESM Plans (2) from the context menu.
  • Select the corresponding plan (3) you wish to run against the selected devices.

  • Click Continue to confirm.

  • Within a few minutes, there will be a message displayed "ESM - GridAction Complete".

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.