#Run the powershell script with a param from esm. the survey ID is required. $Surveys = Get-MSSurveysForModuleItems -Module UserMigrations -SurveyId $scriptArgs.UserInput -InstanceIds $ScriptArgs.Items -Full $Results = @() Foreach($Survey in $Surveys){ If($Survey.RequestEmailSent -eq $true){ $results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ InstanceId = $Survey.InstanceId; ResultHeader = "User has been sent the Survey called `"$($Survey.SurveyName)`" "; ResultStatus = "Success"} } Else{$results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ InstanceId = $Survey.InstanceId; ResultHeader = "User has NOT been sent the Survey called `"$($Survey.SurveyName)`" "; ResultStatus = "Error"} } } $results
Evaluate Function - The criteria should be the survey ID
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