PowerShell Scripts - Quick Reference

Modified on Tue, 20 Aug at 2:05 PM


Move a User Migration to a new process/sub-process

This command can be used when a Datamining Report has a web button calling a script:

Move-MSUserMigrationProcesses -MigrationIds @($ScriptArgs.Items) -ProcessName "4. Migrating" -SubProcessName "Migration Commenced" | Out-Null

Send a User Migration an email

This command can be used to send an email immediately:

Send-MSEmails -Module UserMigrations -ToIds @($ScriptArgs.Items) -EmailTemplateId X -SpreadOverHours 0

To send the email in 24 hours time:

$sendtime = $(get-date).AddHours(24)
Send-MSEmails -Module UserMigrations -ToIds @($ScriptArgs.Items) -EmailTemplateId X -SpreadOverHours 0 -ScheduleSendAt $sendtime