Portal Datamining Reports

Modified on Fri, 10 May at 10:00 AM

Portal Datamining Reports

Intro text 

Link to the main article on how DMRs work

System vs User DMRs

Each option on the DMR Admin screen is listed and explained

DMR Admin Options

  • Name 
    • The Name of the DMR will be shown in the UI and also as the tab name in the browser
  • Make the report visible to all users
    • The DMR will show in the UI for use by other Users, not just the User that created the DRM
  • Internal Name
  • Category
    • Groups related DMRs into folders in the Admin view, (does not show in the main UI)
  • Description
    • This description will show above the report table in the browser view
  • Portal Wrapper
    • The 
  • Web Url by Id

etc... etc etc..