Web Portal

Modified on Fri, 19 Jul at 8:11 PM

Welcome to the documentation for the Web Portal Development Module of ManagementStudio. This software module is designed to empower users with the ability to create dynamic and interactive web portals that serve as a gateway to ManagementStudio. The module also supports the creation of project landing pages, surveys, tests, reporting, and dashboarding.


Portal wrappers


Portal Pages, Surveys, Tests, Reports and Dashboards must have a Wrapper assigned to them. This allows the Administrators to deliver multiple portal pages with the same theme.
Wrappers are comprised of the following elements:-

  • Header banner – Graphics or Text
  • Navigation Bar – giving portal users predefined navigation options
  • Authentication. There are three Authentication methods
  • CSS Block – Add custom CSS to the portal wrapper.
  • JavaScript – Add custom JavaScript to the portal wrapper.
  • HTML Header Block – add a constant web page Header.
  • Footer Block – add a constant web page Footer.

Each component is explained below.

Header Banner




Navigation Bar






The system supports multiple end-user authentication method allowing administrators to configure authenticated views of data. For example, an end-user might connect to a portal landing page, login with an Azure\Entra and be presented with their current list of applications, devices, upgrade date and migration location. With the correct configuration the end-user might choose to change the Upgrade Date or Location. By using Authentication project teams can be sure the user is presented the correct data.

Portal Wrappers

 Portal Authentication

Portal Pages

 Portal Page Example: User Self-Service Portal

Portal Surveys

Portal Datamining Reports

Portal Dashboards