The look and feel of Portal Pages is defined by the assigned wrapper. The content of Portal Pages is provided by UI Elements. This solution article explains the different types of UI Elements which can be added to Portal Pages.
Note that the following pages are not UI Elements and cannot be added directly to a Portal Page (although links to these pages can be added to Portal Pages). These are covered separately:
- Web-based Dashboards Help
- Portal Forms (Surveys) Help
- Test Sign-Offs (UATs)
Example Portal Page
The example below shows the configuration and resulting output of a Portal Page with five UI elements.
- Text/Heading
- Action Card
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Pie Chart
Layout Rows
The Layout Rows are containers for UI Elements. Layout Rows use predefined cell classes, which ensure that the distances between cells are appropriate for the entire row. Each Layout Row can contain between one and six UI Elements. The number of containers per row is controlled by the +/- buttons. The entire row can be moved up or down with the Drag button.
An example of a 3 Column Layout Row:
UI Elements
To add a UI Element a Portal Page must have been created. This article walks through the creation of new Portal Pages.
Once in the Portal Page Editor, drag the required UI Element into the Editor.
Note that the Common settings for each UI Element are covered in a separate section on this page.
- Text / Heading
- Image
- Horizontal Lines
- Datamining Reports
- Pie or Bar Chart
- Action Cards
- Alerts or Call Outs
- Landing Page Auth Redirect
- Buttons
Text / Heading
Once the Text / Heading UI element has been dragged into a Column Row, select this to edit its properties.
- Control the style of the text
- Add the text/header content
- The Common Controls are covered here
- The Row Show/Hide If Test allows the element to be shown or hidden. More information here
- Image Resource Id: Use the target button to pick an image. The image must have be uploaded into Administration -> Project Resources first. More information on Project Resources
- Image URL: Enter the URL of an image if the image is not available in Project Resources
- Image Alt Text: The text which will be shown if the image cannot be displayed
- Custom Image Class: The CSS class which will be applied to the image
- Maximum Height: The maximum display height of the image (pixels)
- Maximum Width: The maximum display width of the image (pixels)
- Add a Border around the image: Adds a small rounded border to the image
- Round the corners of the image: Rounds the corners of the image
Horizontal Lines
Adds a horizontal line to the page. They are useful to breakup two elements visually.
Datamining Reports
Adding a Datamining Report will display a table of data in the Portal page. It requires that the report has been saved.
- Title: Text which appears above the report
- DMR Report ID: Enter the ID of the report, or use the picker button
- DMR Internal Name: If an Internal Name has been set in the report, this can be entered instead of the Report Id. The advantage of using the Internal Name is that the Portal Page is 'portable', meaning it can be used in a different instance of ManagementStudio (along with the DMR) without needing to modify it. Note use either the Report ID or the Internal Name, not both
- DMR Results Filter: Choose which filters should be applied to the results
- Results for only this user: Only show the user's data. Note that this requires that the Portal Page is authenticated so that the system can apply an appropriate filter. The data must include MigrationId field for this to work, though this column can be hidden.
- Original Data Source (Keep Filters): Retain the Source and Filters saved within the report
- Set Data Source to All (Keep Filters): Set the Source to All Items but retain the Filters saved within the report
- Set Data Source to All (No Filters): Set the Source to All Items and clear any Filters saved within the report
- Reuse DMR cached on page: If any given Datamining Report is used multiple times on a Portal Page with different filters applied, this setting can be used on each instance to improve performance.
- Display the DMR in compact mode: Displays the report with smaller margins
- Add Search, Sort and Page: Adds extra controls to the report
- Add Filter Row: Adds filters to the top of each column; the Add Search, Sort and Page option must be enabled
- Select Top X Rows: Only display the top X rows of the report
- Columns: Specify which columns to display, uses the internal names
- Filter: Apply a filter to the report. The examples in the table below show how filters can be used when a Datamining Report is added to a Portal Page:
Report | Filter Requirements | Prereqs | Filter |
Applications report which includes Process | Display applications in the process '5. Complete' | None | Applications_Process = '5. Complete' |
Applications report which includes Vendor | Display applications where the Vendor name starts with 'micro' | None | Applications_AppVendor like 'micro%' |
User Migrations report which includes Assigned To | Portal SSO setup and working. Portal Page using SSO has been created. | Applications_AssignedTo = '[UM-AssignedTo-UserName]' | |
User Migrations report which includes the Manager's Email which is stored in a Custom Form | Only display users managed by the person viewing the Portal Page | Portal SSO setup and working. Portal Page using SSO has been created. | CustomField_XXX = '[UM-Email]' |
- Bootstrap Table Style: Apply a style to the table. Examples
Datamining Report Tip: To add a link to a page to directly download the report in Excel format, use the syntax:
<a href='[MS-Url-DMR-XXX]?format=Excel'>Download Report</a>
- XXX is the ID of the report
Pie or Bar Chart
Charts use saved Datamining Reports to display data visually. This example shows a vertical bar chart with the count of applications in each Process.
The settings used to create this chart:
![]() | ![]() |
- Title: Text to appear on the chart
- Title position: Where the title text appears
- Chart type: Pie Chart/Horizontal Bar Chart/Vertical Bar Chart
- DMR Report Id: The ID of the report which contains the data to display in the chart
- DMR Scope:
- Results for only this user: Only show the user's data. Note that this requires that the Portal Page is authenticated so that the system can apply an appropriate filter. The data must include MigrationId field for this to work.
- Original Data Source (Keep Filters): Retain the Source and Filters saved within the DMR
- Set Data Source to All (Keep Filters): Set the Source to All Items but retain the Filters saved within the DMR
- Set Data Source to All (No Filters): Set the Source to All Items and clear any Filters saved within the DMR
- Reuse DMR cached on page: If any given Datamining Report is referenced multiple times by different charts with different filters applied, this setting can be used to improve performance.
- DMR Filter: Apply filters to columns. Syntax examples:
- Applications_Process = '5. Live'
- Applications_AppVendor like 'micro%'
- Applications_Process = '5. Live' AND Applications_AppVendor like 'micro%'
- See the DMR Filter help for DMRs above for further examples
- Category Column: This is the column in the Datamining Report which will be used to create the slices (pie chart) or columns (bar chart). An example could be a Devices report where the Device Type is the Category Column. This would show pie chart slices or bar chart colunms of the Device Type.
- Value Column (Optional): This should only be populated if a calculation is required to create the chart. For example, if the Average Disk Space need to be displayed for each Device Type, the populate the Value Column with the internal name of the column in the DMR showing the disk space. Note that this must be a number without any letters (E.g. 143.2 is fine, 143.2 GB is not)
- Calculation: Choose what type of calculation should be performed for each slice/bar. In the example where the average disk space should be displayed for each device type. choose Average here.
- Colour Column: If coulours have been setup in the Datamining Report, this field can be populated with the internal name of that column. The same colours will then be applied to the chart.
- Legend is visible: 1 in screenshot
- Labels are visible: 2 in screenshot
- Tooltips are visible: 3 in screenshot
- Labels Background: Set the colour of the background of the labels
- Labels template: Changes the chart labels format. To only show the value (and not the column name) set it to #= value#
- Tooltips Template: Changes the format of the tooltips. For example, changing it to {0}% would add a percentage character to the end of each tooltip
Action Cards
An Action Card enables you to incorporate an image, text, and a button within a box on a Portal Page. The screenshot above shows a three column row with an Action Card in each column. The button can open another Portal Page, open a Portal Form (also known as a Survey), open a web link, run a PowerShell script or various other functions.
Configuration Settings
Section | Setting | Description |
Action Card | Title | The text which appears at the top of the Action Card |
Action Card | Text | The text which appears in the body of the Action Card |
Action Card | Min Textbox Height (px) | The minimum height of the textbox within the Action Card. Note that this does not control the overall height of the Action Card. To ensure a row of Action Cards are the same height configure this setting to be the same in each Action Card, then either: a) ensure all the images are the same dimensions, or b) set the Maximum Height (px) to be the same for each image |
Image | Image Resc. Id | Images can be uploaded into Admin -> Project Resources and used in Action Cards. Then the picker button can be used to choose the image, or the ID of the image can be manually entered |
Image | Image Int. Name | As an alternative to using the Image ID, it's possible to use the Internal Name of the image |
Image | Image Url | An image from a URL can be displayed as an alernative to one from the Project Resources. Specify the URL here |
Image | Image Alt Text | Use this setting to set the Alt Text for an image (this is the text which displays when you hover over the image) |
Image | Custom Image Class | Set the CSS class which applies to the image |
Image | Maximum Height (px) | Set the maximum height of the image in pixels |
Image | Maximum Width (px) | Set the maximum width of the image in pixels |
Image | Add a Border around the image | Adds a border around the image |
Image | Round the corners of the imge | Rounds the corner of the image |
Button | Button Text | The text which displays on the button |
Button | Button Action | Open Portal Page: Opens a Portal Page Open Portal Form: Opens a Portal Form (Survey) Open Self-Schedule Page: Opens a self-schedule page Open DMR Report Page: Opens a DMR in a web page Open Dashboard Page: Opens a web dashboard Execute Script: Execute a PowerShell script Open URL: Opens any web URL Once the Button Action has been set, the Action Target picker button allows the target to be chosen. Alternatively, the Internal Name of the target can be specified in Target Int. Name field |
Button | Action Target | The Action Target picker button allows the target of the button to be chosen |
Button | Target Int. Name | As an alternative to the Action Target, the Internal Name of the target can be specified in Target Int. Name field |
Button | Open Button In | Configures the button target to open in either the same web browser tab or a new one |
Button | Emphasis | Sets the visual style of the button |
Button | Display as a 100% wide button | When this setting is checked the button will fill the width of the Action Card |
Button | Return to this pafe after completion | If a Portal Form (Survey) or Self-Scheduling Page are the target of the button, this option will attempt to return the user to this Portal Page when the user submits the Portal Form (Survey) or Self-Scheduling Page |
Button | Script Args | If a PowerShell script is the target of the button, this option alllows up to three arguments to be passed to the script. |
Alerts or Call Outs
Configuration Settings
Setting | Description |
Alert/Callout | Set the object to be either an Alert or a Callout. The screenshot above shows an example of each |
Title | The text which appears at the top of the object |
Text | The text which appears in the body of the object |
Landing Page Auth Redirect
This feature allows organisations to point all users at a URL which will redirect to them to different Portal Pages depending on the Blueprint the user in.
Setting | Description |
Button Text | The text which displays on the button |
Button Action | Open Portal Page: Opens a Portal Page Open Portal Form: Opens a Portal Form (Survey) Open Self-Schedule Page: Opens a self-schedule page Open DMR Report Page: Opens a DMR in a web page Open Dashboard Page: Opens a web dashboard Execute Script: Execute a PowerShell script Open URL: Opens any web URL Once the Button Action has been set, the Action Target picker button allows the target to be chosen. Alternatively, the Internal Name of the target can be specified in Target Int. Name field |
Action Target | The Action Target picker button allows the target of the button to be chosen |
Target Int. Name | As an alternative to the Action Target, the Internal Name of the target can be specified in Target Int. Name field |
Open Button In | Configures the button target to open in either the same web browser tab or a new one |
Emphasis | Sets the visual style of the button |
Display as a 100% wide button | When this setting is checked the button will fill the width of the Action Card |
Return to this pafe after completion | If a Portal Form (Survey) or Self-Scheduling Page are the target of the button, this option will attempt to return the user to this Portal Page when the user submits the Portal Form (Survey) or Self-Scheduling Page |
Script Args | If a PowerShell script is the target of the button, this option alllows up to three arguments to be passed to the script. |
Common Controls
UI Element Controls
Common controls are available in the side panel for all UI Elements in the Page Builder when editing Portal Pages. They apply to all of the UI Elements:
- Text / Headings
- Images
- Horizontal Lines
- Datamining Reports
- Pie charts/bar charts
- Action Cards
- Alerts or Call Outs
- Buttons
When a UI Element is selected the available settings are displayed in the Common panel.
Common Control | Details |
Add a Border around a UI Element | Adds a thin line around the element. |
Align | Alignment within the UI Element. Default, Left, Right, Centre. |
UI Element Div Name | Assign a NAME to the Div that contains this UI element to enable targeting with JavaScript. New JavaScript code can be added in the Custom JavaScript/CSS section of the Portal Page Editor. |
UI Element Div Class | Assign a CLASS to the Div that contains this UI Element. New classes can be created in the Custom CSS area of the Portal Page Editor. |
Show/Hide If Test | This is detailed below in the Show/Hide Section |
Show/Hide Logic for both UI Elements and Rows
Although the logic for both Show/Hide and Row Show/Hide is identical, they differ in that one toggles the visibility of a UI element, while the other affects the entire row.
For a UI Element or Row to be visible, the condition must evaluate as true.
Logic Operators
Operator | Alternative Operator | Logic |
== | -eq | Equal |
!= | -ne | Not equal |
> | -gt | Greater than |
>= | -ge | Greater than or equal to |
< | -lt | Less than |
<= | -le | Less than or |
&& | -and | And |
|| | -or | Or |
! | -not | Not |
The evaluation does not support dates and wildcards..
Only keywords associated with the logged-in portal user or project-specific keywords are available for evaluation.
Evaluation Examples
A use case for this function would be to show or hide options when a user logs in to a portal page.
Is the user in a DU? If not show the DU Selection Action Card.
"[UM-DeployUnit]" == ""
Is the user in a DU but has no slot booked? Then show the Self Schedule Action Card.
"[UM-DeployUnit]" != "" && "[UM-DeployUnitSlotStart]" != ""
Is the User Migration CustomFlag1 ticked?
"[UM-CustomFlag1]" == "True"
Is the user in the Process called Scheduling? Show a Row with a "Scheduling" Graphic Banner
"[UM-Process]" -eq "Scheduling"
Is the user in Sub Process called "Ready for migration"? Show a Row with a "Waiting For Migration" Graphic Banner.
"[UM-SubProcess]" -eq "Ready for migration"
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.