Attachments Tab

Modified on Tue, 18 Jan, 2022 at 12:38 PM



ManagementStudio users often have the need to attach additional documents to a particular record to provide additional information about an item, such as screenshots or installation instructions.  The Attachments tab within each module enables users to store a variety of attachment for use during the project.

The example that follows will use the Applications module to illustrate the concept although this approach applies to all modules within ManagementStudio.

Accessing the Attachments Tab

To view the Attachments tab:

  • Choose the relevant module from the vertical menu bar on the left (1), in this case, Applications, and double click an item from the main grid (2) to open the details panel.

  • Select Attachments (1) from the tabbed menu bar.
  • If running ManagementStudio on a small screen, the Attachments tab might be hidden. Choose one of the buttons (2) at the right of the tab to expose additional menu items. The right arrow will scroll the tab menu, or the down arrow will open a dropdown list.

The Attachment Tab Layout

Although the options will vary between modules, the layout consists of three core areas:

  • The Control Bar across the top (1) provides quick access to common features.  From left to right:
    • Add Attachments
    • Reload
    • Search Grid
    • Clear search
    • Toggle Column Group Bar on and off (required if grouping information by a particular heading).
    • Select All
    • Select None
    • Invert (selection)
    • Pivot to Table
    • Pivot to Chart
    • Copy to Clipboard
    • Export to Excel
    • Export to CSV
  • Any attachments that are associated with the record will be displayed in the main grid (2).  The button menu bar interacts with this grid.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The functionality provided by the Control Bar (#1, above) is also available by keyboard shortcuts:

  • Add Attachments: CTRL+N
  • Reload: CTRL+R 

Adding a New Attachment

  • Click Add Attachment from the control bar.
  • Click the Attachment Type dropdown (1) and choose the appropriate file type.
  • Click Select files (2) and choose the file to upload.  The file can be removed from the upload by clicking the delete icon (3).
  • If more than files are to be uploaded, click the Select Files button again.
  • To initiate the upload, click Upload files (4).

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.