How to Import Contacts from a file
Create the File
The 'List of data items' below shows which fields can be imported into ManagementStudio. It does not matter in which order these fields appear in your file, as you will have the opportunity to 'map' each field later on in the procedure.
- Create a file in Excel with the following column headers:
- Id
- First Name
- Last Name
- Sam Account
- Domain
- Organisation
- Job Title
- Phone Work
- Phone Mobile
- Email Work
- Email Home
- Fill in the information and ensure the Id column is blank
- Save the file
Import the Data
- To start the importing process, switch to ManagementStudio, click Import Data (1) from the vertical menu on the left
- Select Contacts (2) from the menu
- On the resulting screen, browse to the saved file and click open
- The uploaded file will have the headers listed down the left side of the import grid
- Click Try to Auto Match (1), this will try to match the headers of the import data to fields in ManagementStudio
- Check that the uploaded column names match the corresponding fields in ManagementStudio (2)
- Enable 'Create if not found' to create new contacts and 'Update if found' to update existing contacts (3)
- Click Preview Import (4)
- Click Import Data (5)
- You will be presented with a confirmation screen
- Click Import to begin the import process
- A logs screen will be presented with the results of the import
- Click Ok to complete the import process
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.