Project Settings

Modified on Fri, 29 Sep, 2023 at 5:20 PM



The Project Settings page in ManagementStudio provides a centralized home for your project configuration options such as general settings, email templates, housekeeping tasks and portal localisation. In the project settings, an administrator can set the project name and other project -wide settings.

Accessing the Project Settings

To view the Project Settings page:

  • Switch to Administration (1) -> Scroll down to the settings panel and click on Project Settings (2)

Overview of the Project settings

A user will have to be a project admin in order to view and access the project settings

In the Project Settings page, an Admin is presented with the following six tabs:

  • Project Settings 
  • Email & Keywords
  • Email Template Wrappers
  • Portal Localisation
  • Evergreen Servicing Module (ESM) Settings
  • Housekeeping

Project Settings Tab

An admin can define the following for a project within this tab:

Project NameDefine the name of the project.
IconSpecify an icon for the project. The available icons and names are available here:
UTC Offset
Project IdThis is a unique internal reference created by ManagementStudio.
Project DescriptionA brief description of the project.

Main Tab Settings

Define and specify the modules available within the project. In the section, an admin can define the order and also what modules that are visible within the project. The colours of the buttons can be set using hex numbers.

Plural NameThe plural word used to describe the item
Singular NameThe singular word used to describe the item
IconsSpecify an icon for the button. The available icons and names are available here:
Colour HexSpecify a colour for the button (use hex colour codes)
VisibleEnable or disable the item
Display OrderModify the display


An admin can hide the build-in dashboards in this section. An admin can also define the number of default dashboards to show if a User has not selected their own.

Import/Export Project Config

This section is used to import and export project configs.

Download Core Logs

This section is used to download the ManagementStudio core logs. This is useful for troubleshooting any issues encountered within the product.

Email & Keywords

Email Settings: This section provides the ability for the admin to define the Email From Address, Email From Display Name and also enable the Email tracking functionality.

Project Keywords: Project keywords are a setlist of five keywords ([Project-Keyword-1..5]) whose value is fixed. These can be used for values that are popular but rarely change. For example, if there is a URL to the project help site or a project mailbox that you need to include in a number of emails. 

Email Template Wrappers

Default Email/Button Wrappers

An admin has the ability to customise the default email template. In the email template wrapper 1 (default) window, an admin can customise the images displayed, the email header and footer.

Core Email Templates

New User Account Email

When a new user is created within the system, they are sent a welcome email with a 'Set Password' and the download ManagementStudio links.

Change Password Email

Emails sent to users when the 'Reset Password' admin option is used or when the User uses the 'Forgot Password' portal page.

Internal Event Email

This are the generic emails sent by the system for events such as App Moved Process, New Device created, New Defect created etc. An admin can define the internal event email subject and the email body accordingly.

Additional Email/Button Wrappers

If additional email templates and buttons are required within a project, an admin can utilise the additional templates available within this section.

Portal Localisation

In this tab, an administrator has the ability to customize the error & warning message that appears when a User encounters an error whilst using the portal.

Portal Text

Portal Banner Area HtmlThe banner that appears within the portal pages. For example <img src="[Project-Url-Resource-Logo.png]" width="600" height="130" border="0" style="border:0; outline:none; text-decoration:none; display:block;" />
Default Tag MessageThe tag message shown under all portal messages to the user, success, warning or error. For example, 'For support or questions, please contact'
Internal Server Error HeaderThe header of the message displayed.
Internal Server Error Message (Error)The content of this textbox is displayed to the end user when there is an internal server error. 


Self-Schedule Header Message (Warning)Self-Schedule header warning message.
Self-Schedule Locked Message (Warning)Warning message displayed when the self-schedule is locked.
Self-Schedule Expired Message (Warning)Warning message displayed when the self-Schedule link is expired.
Self-Schedule Fully Booked Message (Warning)Displayed when there are no more free Schedule slots.
Self-Schedule Header Message (Error)Self-Schedule header error message.

Self-Schedule Invalid Schedule Message (Error)

Displayed when there's an invalid schedule error

Self-Schedule Invalid instance Message (Error)

Displayed when there's an invalid instance.

Self-Schedule Invalid Url Message (Error)

This is displayed to the end- user when the Self-Schedule Url is invalid.

Self-Schedule Invalid Security Message (Error)

This is displayed to the end-user when there's an invalid security issue.

Self-Schedule Invalid DeployUnit Message (Error)

This is displayed when deployment unit is invalid or not found.

Self-Schedule DeployUnit Bad Dates Message (Error)

This is displayed when the deployment unit has an invalid start and end dates set.

Self-Schedule Disabled Message (Error)

Displayed when the Self-Schedule option is disabled.


Warning Survey Header Message (Warning)Survey header warning message.
Warning Survey Locked Message (Warning)A warning screen displayed when the survey is locked.
Survey Header Message (Error)Survey header error message.
Survey Invalid Survey Message (Error)This is displayed when it is an invalid survey.
Survey Invalid Instance Message (Error)This is displayed when survey is invalid.
Survey Invalid Url Message (Error)This is displayed when its an invalid survey Url.
Survey Invalid Security Message (Error)Invalid Security info
Survey Pdf Print Expired Message (Error)Displayed when the time to print a survey as PDF has expired.
Survey Disabled Message (Error)Displayed when the Survey is disabled.

Test Sign-Offs


Test Sign-Off Header Message (Warning)

Sign-Off Warning message.

Test Sign-Off Locked Message (Warning)

Displayed when the Sign-Off record is locked.

Test Sign-Off Header Message (Error)

Sign-Off Error header message.

Test Sign-Off Invalid Test Type Message (Error)

Invalid Sign-Off error message.

Test Sign-Off Invalid Survey Message (Error)

Invalid Sign-Off error message.

Test Sign-Off Invalid instance Message (Error)

Displayed when the test Sign-Off is invalid.

Test Sign-Off Invalid Url Message (Error)

Displayed when its an invalid Sign-Off Url.

Test Sign-Off Invalid Security Message (Error)

Invalid security info

Test Sign-Off PDF Print Expired Message (Error)

Displayed when the time to print a test as PDF has expired.

Test Sign-Off Disabled Message (Error)

Displayed when the Test Sign-Off is disabled.

Evergreen Servicing Module (ESM) Settings

Within the ESM tab, an admin has the ability to define a number of ESM global data that can be referenced and used when running an ESM plan within a project. 

There are a total of 10 values that can be stored and then referenced in the criteria as a variable in the format of 

[Data1] through to [Data10]

ManagementStudio has the ability to connect to three separate System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) instances via the ESM module. An Admin can setup a writeback connection to a SCCM instance.

The ManagementStudio service account requires Read/Write access to the SCCM database

The following details are required:

  • The SCCM Site Code
  • Site FQDN
  • ManagementStudio Service Account Name
  • ManagementStudio Service Account Password


Over time, ManagementStudio builds up excess cruft that just wastes space. Items and history that we fail to clean up contribute to the problem. Unless an admin steps in, this can build up and cause issues in the future. This tab contains various tools an admin can utilise to clean up ManagementStudio to ensure its running efficiently. 

An Administrator has the ability to kick off the process against each task by clicking on the 'Run Now' button next to the required task.



An Admin can enable this option to control the deletion of a User-App-Device links that have reported no usage. For example remove Adobe Reader from Tony after 9 months of no usage.

Trim Custom Form Field History (2)

A Custom Form Fields that do not have the 'Track History flag' set, then it will only retain this number of previous changes. Custom fields that do have the 'Track History flag' set will ignore this settings and never trim their history.

Trim Email Send History (3)

ManagementStudio can end up sending 10's or 100's of thousands of emails over a project. This option controls how long those emails are retained in the database for. By default, this is set to 180 days, but an admin has the ability to specify the number of days accordingly.

Delete Items Marked for Deletion (4)

When an item such as Application, User Migration etc is deleted, it is put in a special queue before it is physically deleted to allow items to be undeleted. This option controls physically deleting the item from the database in a way that can not be undone. An Admin can define the number of days the item can remain in the special queue.

When all applications for a device is rejected, this can cause the device not to show in User profile. An Admin can enable this option to restore the devices to the Users.

Internal Tasks

In this section, an Admin can utilise the settings to troubleshoot issues within ManagementStudio. Its recommended to only change these settings if they are causing problems.


Send Self-Schedule Reminder Emails (1)

Enable this option to send the Self-Schedule reminder emails at 6am and spreads them out over 3 hours.

Send Survey Reminder Emails (2)

Enable this option to send the Survey reminder emails at 6am and spread them out over 3 hours.

Send Test Sign-Off Reminder Email (3)

Enable this option to send the Test Sign-Off reminder emails at 6am and spread them out over 3 hours.

Sync Contact MetaData (4)

This option copies any contact data updates from User migrations to contacts. For example if a new email address was read in from the AD connector.

Sync All Items Blueprints (5)

This option will populate the All Items Blueprints. For example, All Applications or App Users Blueprint.

Sync Linked Blueprints (6)

Re-links Applications, Users, Devices blueprint. For example Core Apps Blueprint.

Sync Mirrored Blueprints (7)

Enable this to re-mirror Applications, Users and Devices blueprints.

Delete old Message Alerts (8)

This is an internal database maintenance task. It is  highly recommended to have this enabled.

Delete Orphaned Batch Ids (9)

This is an internal database maintenance task. It is  highly recommended to have this enabled.

Repair Grid/Detail Fields (10)

An admin can run this feature to repair the grid and details fields.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.