Grid Config

Modified on Wed, 19 Jan, 2022 at 10:33 AM



The Grid config section within each module in ManagementStudio lets the administrator set the properties and structure of the grid view. The Applications module is used here to illustrate the concept of grid config, although the principles also apply to all modules within ManagementStudio

Switch to Administration -> Applications-> Grid Config


1) Internal Name: This is the Internal Name of the field which can not be edited and is generally the name used in the API.

2) Display Name: This is the Name of the field as displayed in the Grid UI.

3) Visible: As the name suggests this controls whether a field is visible on the Grid.

When you mark a field as invisible, it will join the other invisible fields at the bottom of the fields list.

4) Order: This controls the order in which the fields are displayed in the Grid the lower values appear first.

5) Format String: Where applicable this allows you to control the formatting of dates, times and numbers. It uses the same formatting specifications as the System.String Format Function.  i.e. {0:dd-[MM]-yyyy} produces with the value of  11th of February 2020 the following output "11-[02]-2020"

6) Width px (web): This controls the width of a field if it appears on a web-based survey.

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