Menu Items

Modified on Wed, 19 Jan, 2022 at 10:35 AM

Menu Items

Many of the fields within ManagementStudio can be populated with dropdown menus to present a predefined range of responses and to simplify data entry for users.  The examples used from herein are taken from the Applications module, although the principles also apply to all modules within ManagementStudio.

An example of a menu item in ManagementStudio.

Menu item settings can be accessed by switching to the Administration view:

  • Click the Administration menu item from the bottom of the vertical menu on the left of the application window.
  • Choose the module to update (in this example, Applications), and select Menu Items from the following screen.

Editing Menu Items

The numbers in the following text refer to the highlighted items in the image above.

  • Save Changes (1) commits the changes to the database.
  • Cancel Changes (1) to discard the changes and reload the values from the previous save.
  • Menu Group (2) to select the group of menu items to update
  • Toolbar icons (3), from left to right:
    • Search
    • Clear search
    • Toggle column group bar on and off (off by default) to enable grid to be grouped by a particular heading
    • Select All - highlights all entries in the main table
    • Select None - deselects all selections in the main table 
    • Invert - inverts the items selected in the main grid
    • Pivot to table
    • Pivot to chart
    • Copy to clipboard
    • Export to Excel
    • Export to CSV
  • Main grid (4):
    • Internal Name refers to the category of menu items chosen in the menu group (2).
    • Menu Item is the text of the menu item that will be seen by the user when entering the dropdown.
    • Visible determines whether the menu item appears in the dropdown list.
    • Order is a numerical value that represents the items position in the list. 0 (zero) places the item at the top of the list.
    • Color Hex should be used to specify the colour of the menu item.  The colour is specified using the hexadecimal HTML notation, #RRGGBB.  For example, #F6F6F6 would use an off-white colour in the cell.
  • Click here to add new item (5) to add a new menu item.  Use Save Changes (1) to save the new configuration to the database.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.