Project Resources

Modified on Wed, 19 Jan, 2022 at 10:39 AM



Resources are required to carry out specific task within a project. The Project resources page within the admin section provides a centralized location where an Admin can upload files that can be used as images in email templates or as attachments.

Accessing the Project Resources

To view the Project Resources page:

  • Switch to Administration (1) -> Scroll down to the settings panel and click on Project Resources (2)

Project Resources Layout

The layout consist of two core areas:

  • The Control bar across the top (1) provides quick access to common features. From left to right:
  • Add Resource
  • Reload
  • Search Grid
  • Clear search
  • Toggle Column Group Bar on and off (required if grouping information by a particular heading).
  • Select All
  • Select None
  • Invert (selection)
  • Copy to Clipboard
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to CSV
  • Pivot to Table
  • Pivot to Chart
  • Grid Column chooser
  • Online Help

  • Any Resource that has been uploaded will be displayed in the Project resource main grid (2).  The button menu bar interacts with this grid.

Adding a New Project Resource

  • Click the Add Resource button from the control bar
  • Browse to where the file is located 
  • Select the required file
  • Click Open to initiate the upload
  • The file should be listed within the project resource main grid

Project Resource Keywords

Resource keywords create a URL to download a project resource. This can be used to allow users to download files such as test plans, project help docs, etc. They can also be used in Html IMG tags to allow project image resources to be referenced in emails and surveys. 



Resolves to the raw URL to the Project Resource where X is the Survey Id


Resolves to the raw URL to the Project Resource where the name of the file is used

Putting it all together
<img src="[Project-Url-Resource-Win-10-Logo.jpg]" alt="Windows 10 Logo">
![alt text]([Project-Url-Resource-7] "Windows 10 Project Logo")
Click <a href="[Project-Url-Resource-1]">here</a> to download your Win10 guide.
Click here to download your Win10 guide.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.