
Modified on Fri, 2 Feb at 3:49 PM



ManagementStudio has a special function, which allows logged in and anonymous end-Users to view & edit items on the Web Portal. This is useful in Organisations, where a project admin might need to just provide limited view of the software list for the first line teams i.e. access to search, the type of application, description of application & process status. The portal is available within the following modules: Applications, Devices, Users, Deployment Units, Defects, Tasks, Bespokes & Mailboxes


Accessing the Portal

The Web portal page is accessed through the Administration section:

  • Switch to Administration (1) and select the appropriate module. 
  • The example uses Applications (2).
  • Select Portal (3).

Overview of the Portal Page

Although the options will vary between modules, the layout consists of the following core panel areas:

UI ElementDescription
Control BarAllows users to Save and Cancel changes.
Is EnabledTurn on/Off the Portal web page.
DMR Json Endpoints
Web DMR EndpointA Url for a DMR to view in the browser
Allow Authenticated EndpointsA JSON Endpoint a DMR to be used in Power BI. Requires user/pass
Allow Anonymous EndpointsA JSON Endpoint a DMR to be used in Power BI. Does not require user/pass
Grid View Page - Common Settings to Logged-in and Anon pages
EnabledTurn On /Off Grid view.
Allow SearchAdd the Search Button to the view.
HeaderPage Header in H1 font.
Sub HeaderPage Header in H2 font.
DescriptionBlock of HTML to display under the subheader.
Custom CSSAdd a Custom CSS
Custom JSAdd a Custom JS
Logged in User Pages
View Item SurveyThe Survey to display to logged-in users when editing & viewing an item. i.e. Applications, Users, devices, etc.
New Item SurveyThe Survey to display to logged-in Users when creating a new item. i.e. Applications, Users, devices, etc.
Grid View UrlThe Url for logged-in Users to view the main grid.
New Item UrlThe Url for logged-in users to create a new item.
Grid ColumnsA comma-delimited list of columns to display on the grid.
Example: Details, Title, Process, Subprocess
To create a Details button that opens the details in the same window use "Details-SplitTab" and to create a button that opens the details in a new window use "Details-NewTab"
See the 'Grid View Buttons' section below on how to add buttons to the Grid
Grid FilterFilter to apply to the Grid view.
Example: Process = '3. Packaging' AND SubProcess = 'Packaging QA' 
Process = '2. Discovery' OR Process = '3. Initial Testing' OR Process = '4. Packaging' OR Process = '5. Deployment' OR Process = '6. UAT' OR Process = '7. Production'

When using Win/Azure Auth, it's possible to only show a User their Apps,Devices etc. Use the keywords below to control what users are allowed to see

Only Apps/etc directly linked to that User
Only Apps/etc that the User is contact for
Only Apps/etc that the User is specifc contact type for. Replace XX with the Id of the Contact Type.

Anon Access 1/2/3
Anon Access LevelUse the dropdown menu to specify what an anon user can do within the portal.
Anon Access KeyAnon access key allows Anon access Urls, reset this key to invalidate existing Anon access Urls.
View Item SurveyThe survey to display when editing & viewing an item.
New Item SurveyThe survey to display when creating a new item. i.e. Applications, Users, devices, etc.
Grid View UrlThe Url an Anonymous user can use to view the main Grid view.
New Item UrlThe Url an Anonymous user can use to create a new item.
Grid ColumnsSee 'Grid Columns' Above
Grid FilterSee 'Grid Filter' Above
Note to SelfNote to self about what this anon access is for.

TIP: To have the web page render with a 100% width paste this code into the 'Custom JS' box.
document.getElementById('header-container').setAttribute("class", "container-fluid");
document.getElementById('body-container').setAttribute("class", "container-fluid");


Grid View Buttons

The Grid View supports adding buttons to view the details (i.e. a Survey Page) of an item or adding custom buttons to Surveys or Script actions.


Details Button

Adding 'Details'  to the list of Grid Columns will add a Button to the front of the Grid that when clicked will open the Survey defined in the 'View Item Survey' dropdown.

Note 'Details' is an alias to the full version of the Details button below. The full version of the Details button can be used if more control over the button's visuals or action is required.


Format: {DetailsButton; Label: Details; Style: btn-primary btn-sm; OpenIn:SplitTab}


Survey Buttons

If the details button is not enough and additional buttons for other Surveys are required then a custom Survey button(s) can be added as below.


Format: {CustomButtonSurveyId: 1; Label: My Survey; Style: btn-primary btn-sm; OpenIn:SplitTab}


Script Buttons

Script Buttons will run a script on the selected item before either displaying a message to the User or redirecting them to a new page.

This can be used to e.g. create a new version of an Application and then redirect a user to the new App’s survey page to collect more information.


Format: {CustomButtonScriptId: 99; Label: My Action; Style: btn-primary btn-sm; OpenIn:SplitTab}



The OpenIn option controls where the new Tab for the Details / Survey / Script will be opened.

There are three valid options : NewTab, ThisTab, SplitTab. 

How to Use the Portal

The example that follows will use the Applications module to illustrate the concept, although this approach applies to all modules within ManagementStudio.

Step 1 - Create Portal Forms

The Survey forms are used to create the pages on the portal. The following two forms are required:

  1. View Item - Used to view detailed information of the item
  2. New Item - Used to create a new item

Create the View Item Survey

  • Switch to Administration and select Applications.
  • Click Surveys.
  • Click New Survey.
  • Enter the name of the Survey i.e. Application Details.
  • Turn off most of the survey features:
  • Show Pass/Fail Opts buttons
  • Lock on complete
  • Show completed by
  • Comments trigger fail
  • Show comments box
  • Click Display fields, enter the required fields.
  • Click Save Changes.

An example of an Application details portal

Create the New Item Survey

  • Switch to Administration and select Applications.
  • Click Surveys.
  • Click New Survey.
  • Enter the name of the Survey i.e. New Application Request.
  • Turn off most of the survey features:
  • Show Pass/Fail Opts buttons
  • Lock on complete
  • Show completed by
  • Comments trigger fail
  • Show comments box
  • Click Display fields, enter the required fields.
  • Click Save Changes.

An example of a new application request portal

Step 2 - Enable Portal Feature

  • Switch to Administration and select the Applications module. 
  • Select Portal.
  • Enable the checkbox Is Enabled.
  • Within the Grid view page panel, ensure the checkboxes Enabled and Allow Search are ticked.
  • Enter details you wish displayed on the portal within the following fields:
    • Header
    • Sub Header
    • Description
  • Using the View Item Survey dropdown, select the Application Details survey.
  • Using the New Item Survey dropdown, select the New Application Request survey.

  • Click Save Changes at the top.
  • This will generate a Grid View Url and also a New Item Url for logged in and Anonymous users.
  • An admin has the option to send a link out to logged in or Anonymous users.
  • Additionally, an admin has the options to specify what an anonymous users can do within the portal using the Anon access level dropdown menu.

  • Copy the New Item Url or Grid view Url.
  • Embed this in an email to be sent out to the User.
  • The User copies the Url and pastes it into a web browser. 
  • The User will be presented with the default Grid view similar to the below screenshot.

  • Upon clicking on Details against an Application on the grid view, they are presented with the application details form designed earlier.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.