Adding a Datamining Report to a Survey

Modified on Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 2:08 PM



ManagementStudio has a range of reports that you can use to show information about your Users, Devices, Application Status, defects e.t.c. Sometimes it can be useful to display a report within a survey, for example within a User Validation survey, an admin could run a User-Applications report and have these displayed within the survey sent out. This article will describe the steps required to achieve this. 

Step 1 - Generate the required Datamining Report

The example that follows will generate an Application-Users report.

  • Navigate to the All Applications (1) module.
  • Click on the Datamining Report button (2).

  • Click Add Reporting Tier (3) and select Users Migrations (4).
  • Select the fields to be included in the report.
  • Click Run Datamining Report (5).

  • This will present a report similar to this. An Application-Users Datamining report.

An example of an Application-Users report

  • The report needs to be customised to remove the columns for the Application, so it only shows the Users. Untick all fields within the Application Reporting Tier. Perform any sorting, filtering, reordering and removing of columns in the DMR so that only the columns/rows you want to display on the Application survey remain. 
  • Click Run Datamining Report.
  • Click Save Report button.
  • Take a note of the Saved Report Id in the window title. E.g 2025

Step 2 - Add Report to Survey

  • Navigate to Administration -> Applications -> Surveys (1).
  • Click New Survey or Select from an existing Survey using the dropdown menu(2).
  • Select Display Fields (3) from the tabbed menu on the left.
  • Click New Field (4) to add a new field in the Survey.

  • In the new field, ensure the Special Control Type is set to Datamining Report (1).

Special Control Args

The 'Special Control Args' field is used to set up the Datamining Report. There are various different options available. 

To link the DMR to the Survey use either the ReportId or ReportName option.

The arg name is separated from its value with a : and from each other with a ;. New Lines can be used to make the settings more readable and are ignored. 


ReportName: User Self-Schedule Report;
Columns: Expression_ScheduleUser, Expression_FullName, UserMigrations_DeployUnitSlotStart;
TableStyle: table-sm;

ReportId: 2025;

TableStyle: table-sm table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-dark;

  • ReportId
    • The Id of the Datamining Report to inject
    • e.g. ReportId: 7;
  • ReportInternalName
    • The internal name of the Datamining Report to inject
    • e.g. ReportName: User Self-Schedule Report;
  • Columns
    • Optional. A list of Columns from the Datamining Report to display
    • e.g. Columns: Expression_ScheduleUser, Expression_FullName, UserMigrations_DeployUnitSlotStart;
  • Filter
    • A Custom Filter Expression to apply to the DMR
    • By default, a supplied Filter is AND'd with the existing filter 
      • Unless it is prefixed by ** in which case it replaces the original filter.
    • Filter: ** UserMigrations_FirstName = 'John'
  • TableStyle
    • Optional. html style to inject into style tag of Html table
    • e.g. table-sm;
    • e.g. table-sm table-bordered;
    • e.g. table-sm table-striped table-bordered table-hover;
    • e.h. table-sm table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-dark;
    • More Info

  • Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  • The Users from the Datamining Report should now show for the Application with all filters applied.

An example of a datamining report displayed within a Survey

The Datamining report has a drawback, where it does not support allowing a User to remove an App from their profile

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.