Importing a User App Device Links

Modified on Thu, 27 Apr, 2023 at 2:16 PM



To import user-apps-devices links from external sources, you can use the data importer feature within ManagementStudio. In this example, I’ll walkthrough importing a user-apps-devices link that is currently stored in an excel file.

Preparing The Data

When preparing the external data, its important to include a unique identifier to enable ManagementStudio to map on to other assets in the database (such as mapping devices to users). We recommend trying to reflect the ManagementStudio field names in the external data source as the import process will attempt to automatically map fields that share the same name. 

sample spreadsheet containing Users, their applications and devices.

Import The Data

  • To start the importing process, switch to ManagementStudio
  • Click Import Data (1)
  • Select Links (2)
  • Browse to the location where you have your prepared spreadsheet saved
  • Click Open
  • Ensure the corresponding worksheet is selected (3)
  • Select 'Create Links' if importing new links, 'Reject Links' if rejecting existing links and 'Delete whole links' to delete all existing links (4)
  • If you have new items (Apps, Users or Devices) that needs to be created during the import, select the corresponding item in this panel (5)
  • Match the Migration ID or if you are using Sam accounts, ensure you have the domain matched (6)


When matching using Sam account, ensure you have the domain column in your prepared spreadsheet

  • Match the App ID (7)
  • Match the Device ID (8)
  • For imports that are required to be done frequently, you can save the Import contract to a suitable location. Once saved, this can be loaded next time you need to perform this import (9)
  • Click Import Data (10)

  • You will be presented with a confirmation screen
  • Click Import to begin the import process
  • A logs screen will be presented with the results of the import
  • Click Ok to complete the import process

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.