ManagementStudio's housekeeping tasks helps to clean out obsolete data. This helps to keep the system optimized and functioning properly. The Housekeeping connector consist of the following panels:
- Housekeeping Status
- User Housekeeping
- Device Housekeeping
- Test Sign-Off Housekeeping
- Troubleshooting
An Administrator has the ability to toggle each panel OFF/ON
Housekeeping Status
The table below provides information on the elements within this panel.
UI Element | Description |
Run Housekeeping Now | A button to allow an Admin to run the Housekeeping now. |
Schedule Housekeeping Discovery #1 | Specify the times to run the Housekeeping Discovery. Please refer to this article on how to create a scheduled task. |
Schedule Housekeeping Discovery #2 | Specify the times to run the Housekeeping Discovery. Please refer to this article on how to create a scheduled task. |
Last Run Date | Displays the last time the housekeeping task ran successfully. |
Housekeeping log | Text box used to display the housekeeping logs. |
User Housekeeping
The table below provides information on the elements within this panel.
UI Element | Description |
Archive Old User Accounts | |
Archive Disabled AD/Azure User accounts immediately | Archive Users if Disabled in AD/Azure immediately |
Archive Inactive AD/Azure User Accounts | Archive Users if Inactive in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Archive after X Days Inactive | Specify the number of days to archive an Inactive User. |
UnArchive Users if seen in AD/Azure | Unarchive a User if seen active in AD/Azure. |
Archive 'Not Found' AD/Azure Users | Archive Users if 'Not Found' in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Archive after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to archive a User if missing. |
Delete Old User Account | |
Delete Inactive AD/Azure Users | Delete Users if Inactive in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Delete after X Days Inactive | Specify the number of days to delete an Inactive User. |
UnDelete Users if seen in AD/Azure | Undelete a User if seen active in AD/Azure. |
Delete 'Not Found' AD/Azure Users | Delete Users if 'Not Found' in AD/Azure for over X days. |
Delete after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to delete a User if 'Not Found'. |
Reset AD/Azure SIDs | |
Clear AD SID of 'Not Found' AD Users | Clear AD SID of users 'Not Found in AD for over X days. |
Clear after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to clear SID if 'Not Found'. |
Clear Azure SID of 'Not Found' Azure users | Clear Azure SID of users 'Not Found' in Azure for over X Days |
Clear after X days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to clear SID if 'Not Found'. |
Device Housekeeping
The table below provides information on the elements within this panel.
UI Element | Description |
Archive Old Device Accounts | |
Archive Disabled AD/Azure Device accounts immediately | Archive Devices if disabled in AD/Azure immediately. Active devices will be unarchived subject to the rules below. |
Archive Inactive AD/Azure Devices | Archive Devices if Inactive in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Archive after X Days Inactive | Specify the number of days to archive an Inactive Device. |
UnArchive Devices if seen in AD/Azure | Unarchive a Device if seen active in AD/Azure. |
Archive 'Not Found' AD/Azure Devices | Archive Devices if 'Not Found' in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Archive after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to archive a Device is 'Not Found'. |
Delete Old Device Accounts | |
Delete Inactive AD/Azure Devices | Delete Devices if Inactive in AD/Azure for over X Days. |
Delete after X Days Inactive | Specify the number of days to delete an Inactive Device. |
UnDelete Users if seen in AD/Azure | Undelete a Device if seen active in AD/Azure. |
Delete Missing AD/Azure Devices | Delete Devices if 'Not Found' in AD/Azure for over X days. |
Delete after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to delete a Device if 'Not Found'. |
Reset AD/Azure SIDs | |
Clear AD SID of 'Not Found' AD Devices | Clear AD SID of Devices 'Not Found in AD for over X days. |
Clear after X Days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to clear SID if 'Not Found'. |
Clear Azure SID of 'Not Found' Azure Devices | Clear Azure SID of Devices 'Not Found' in Azure for over X Days |
Clear after X days 'Not Found' | Specify the number of days to clear SID if 'Not Found'. |
Test Sign-Off Housekeeping
The table below provides information on the elements within this panel.
UI Element | Description |
Modules in Scope | Enable the module that are in scope within the project. |
Archive Test-Sign-Offs if not completed after X days | Archive Test-Sign-Offs if not completed after X days. |
Archive after X Days | Specify the number of days to archive an an incomplete Test Sign-Offs. |
Delete Test Sign-Offs if not completed after X Days | Delete Test Sign-Offs if not completed after X Days. |
Delete after X Days | Specify the number of days to delete an an incomplete Test Sign-Offs. |
Configuring The Housekeeping Extension
- Switch to Administration->Extensions->Connectors (1)
- Click Add New Connector (2)
- Select + Housekeeping (3)
- The Housekeeping panel should now be visible within the left tabbed menu
- Click on the Toggle button to enable the module you would like to run the housekeeping task against
- Once completed, Click Save Changes
- Click Run Housekeeping Now
- Click Continue
- Within a few minutes, click Reload
- You should now see the Housekeeping Log being populated
- To Schedule the Housekeeping connector to run at set intervals, please refer to this article for more information
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.