Portal Wrappers

Modified on Tue, 3 Dec, 2024 at 4:30 PM



Portal Pages, Surveys, Tests, Reports and Dashboards must have a Wrapper assigned to them. This allows the Administrators to deliver multiple portal pages with the same theme.
Wrappers are comprised of the following elements:-

  • Banner Block – Graphics or Text
  • Navigation Block – giving portal users predefined navigation options
  • Authentication - There are three Authentication methods
  • CSS Block – Add custom CSS to the portal wrapper.
  • JavaScript – Add custom JavaScript to the portal wrapper.
  • HTML Header Block – add a constant web page Header.
  • Footer Block – add a constant web page Footer.

The graphic below shows the construction of a Portal Wrapper.

Yellow regions are visible to users. Red and blue regions control the way the page behaves. The Green region denotes the item using the wrapper.


Default Wrappers

ManagementStudio creates two default wappers called 'MS-Default-NoAuthWrapper' and 'MS-Default-AuthWrapper'. These wrappers are automatically applied to pages that don't have a wrapper set. 


Has no authentication set, this is the default for the Self-Schedule, Survey & Test Sign-Off pages.


Has basic authentication set where a User must use their ManagementStudio Username and Password to view the page

This is the default for Dashboards, Portal Pages & Dataming Reports

These default wrappers can be updated and their behaviour changed. However, they can not be deleted. If a default wrapper is renamed the system will 


Displays at the top of the page are usually used for a project title and image.

There is a example code for this but usually we would want to call an image file from the project resource, so a banner that calls a resource library object could look like this.


   <div class="container" id="header-container" style="text-align: center;">

      <img src="[Project-Url-Resource-17]" title="BannerImage" height="80px">



If Keywords in Banners are required then the Keyword Parser must be enabled in the banner block. Should Markdown also be required then the Markdown Parsing check box should also be checked.

If Keyword lookup or markdown is not required then they shoudl be unchecked.

If a wrapper has a Nav Block defined then a Navigaion Bar will be present within the Wrapper. This could allow a portal user to switch between different portal pages. For example, An Application DMR and


ManagementStudio supports multiple web end-user authentication method allowing administrators to configure authenticated views of data. For example, an end-user might connect to a portal landing page, login with an Azure\Entra and be presented with their current list of applications, devices, upgrade date and migration location. With the correct configuration the end-user might choose to change their Upgrade Date or Location. 

By using Authentication project teams can be sure the user is presented the correct data. See the article on Portal Authentication for an explication on how to protect your portal.


The system supports multiple end-user authentication method allowing administrators to configure authenticated views of data. For example, an end-user might connect to a portal landing page, login with an Azure\Entra and be presented with their current list of applications, devices, upgrade date and migration location. With the correct configuration the end-user might choose to change the Upgrade Date or Location. By using Authentication project teams can be sure the user is presented the correct data.

Custom CSS / JS Blocks

These allow you to inject CSS or Javascript into any page that uses this wrapper. They are useful for providing a constant style to your Portal.

To display the Portal with 100% width add this CSS:

.container {
   width: 100% !important; /* Override Bootstrap's default width */
   max-width: 100% !important; /* Ensure there's no max-width restriction */  

Displays at the bottom of the page.