Global Settings

Modified on Tue, 29 Oct, 2024 at 5:32 PM



The Global settings consist of the Global settings, Global policies, Portal Localisation and Troubleshooting tabs.

Global Settings


In this section, you have the ability to set the global settings for the site and email config. The following table provides details of the settings:

UI ElementsDescription
Public UrlThe public address of the ManagementStudio instance, generally a DNS entry to the MS server. E.g. 'Http://'.
Default Landing PageSet the Url a User is redirected to when they visit the front page. This can be used to redirect all users to the Application List page. E. g. Http://>
Email EnabledEnable/Disable ManagementStudio's ability to send out Emails
Client Download Access
Require Login to download client
By default, when a User opens the public Url in their web browser they are taken to a page to download the ManagementStudio client. This setting will turn off that page and the User will be presented with the below message instead.
Require Login to download client messageThe message shown to Users instead of the download client page if they are not logged in.
Azure Authentication
Azure Authentication can be used to allow users to log into the desktop client as well as the Web Portal to grant users access to Surveys and other pages.
Azure Directory (Tenant Id)Specify the Azure Directory (Tenant ID).
Azure Application (Client Id)Specify the Azure Application (Client ID).
Azure Application Client SecretSpecify the Azure Application client secret key.
Azure Application Certificate ThumbprintSpecify the Azure Application Certificate Thumbprint. Please refer to this article on how to retrieve this info.
Azure Proxy Server UrlSpecify the Azure Proxy server Url.
Windows Authentication
Windows Authentication can be used on the web portal to grant users access to surveys and other pages.
To enable Windows Authentication, first install the Windows Authentication feature on the MS server and enable in IIS. Next set WindowsAuth:Enabled in the appSettings.json. Refer to this article for more information.
Account Password Resets
New Account Set Password Timeout Hours
Configure how many hours the 'Set Password' link is valid for after a new account is created. The default is 48 hours.
Forgot Password EnabledEnable/Disable users ability to use the 'Forgot Password' page to reset their password
Forgot Password Reset Timeout HoursConfigure how many hours the 'Reset Password' link is valid for after being generated. The default is 6 hours.
Email Settings
SMTP Server AddressSpecify the DNS name of the SMTP server. Do not use an IP address. E.g. This article shows the required settings for sending via Office 365: Office 365 SMTP Settings
Email Server PortSpecify the port number that the outgoing mail server will use to send and deliver emails. The default port of an outgoing mail server is 25.
SSL OptionsFor Office 365 use: StartTls
None (default): No
Trusted ConnectionEnable this option if the ManagementStudio server has been whitelisted to send emails anonymously.
Email Account UsernameDisable 'Trusted connection' to authenticate with a Username and Password. The username used to authenticate with the hosted mailbox.
Email Account PasswordDisable 'Trusted connection' to authenticate with a Username and Password.  
Connect to AzureTick this option to connect to O365 OAuth
Azure Directory (Tenant Id)Provide the Azure directory (Tenant id)
Azure Application (Client Id)Provide the Azure Application (Client Id)
Per Minute Send LimitLimit the number of emails that can be sent per minute to workaround limits such as the O365 (30 emails per minute)
Retry LimitSpecify the number of times that ManagementStudio attempts to send an email if the email fails to send due to a network or related issue.
Verbose Email LoggingEmail logging produces very large log files in the StorageFolder\Logs directory. It should only be enabled for troubleshooting issues and not left turned on.
PowerShell API
Override the default API policies, this should only be configured by a ManagementStudio engineer
Set-MSApiPolicyCustomise how PowerShell scripts talk back to the API. Consult with MS support team before changing this setting

Global Policies

UI ElementsDescription
Internal Scheduler
Auto Recovery Look back window (minutes)When the scheduler runs it can be set to look back for previously missed runs and add them to the current run. '0' disables look back and the recommended value is 45 mins.
Enable Parallel Project ProcessingBy default, ManagementStudio aggregates all tasks scheduled to across projects at given time into one job and processes them sequentially in order of priority. This setting splits that processing into 1 thread per-project.
Enable Parallel Schedule ProcessingBy default, ManagementStudio aggregates all tasks scheduled to across projects at given time into one job (i.e. when '15min', '30 mins' and '1-hour' schedules overlap) and processes them sequentially in order of priority. This setting splits that processing into 1 thread per schedule (e.g. 1 thread for the '15mins', '30mins' and '1-hour' schedules).
Enable/Disable Link History DB IndexesFor medium size instances of 50k this setting can improve performance of link history reports. For large installs, this can have a negative impact on the overall DB. Consult with a ManagementStudio engineer before enabling these indexes.
Enabled PowerBI CachePowerBI can rerun the same DMR report multiple times, briefly caching the results can greatly improve performance.
Cache PBI Results for X MinutesRecommend PBI results are cached for 5 minutes.
Enabled Links CacheCaching links can greatly improve performance of multi-tiered reports e.g. User-Apps, User-Devices, User-App-Devices.
Refresh Links Cache X HoursRecommend cache is refreshed every 2 hours.
Below actions are performed automatically every night. The options here allow you to run an action on demand or disable a failing action.
Log Files & Emails
Delete old Log filesSetting to enable the deletion of old log files.
Delete Log files older than X days. Min 5, Recommended 14Delete old logs files that are created by scripts, ESM, Reports etc. 
Delete old EmailsSetting to enable the deletion of old emails.
How many * days* should ManagementStudio hold on to previously sent emails to allow resend.ManagementStudio can end up sending 10s or 100's of thousands of emails over a project, this controls how long those emails are retained in the database for.
Automatically remove damaged LinksRemove User-App-Device links that link to nothing. E.g. The User/App that they used to link to has been deleted.
Automatically remove damaged Link historyRemove links where all items of the link have been removed but the link remains or a link was deleted and is not reflected in the link history.
MS Accounts
Disable old MS User Accounts that have not been logged into recently.Enable this setting to disable old MS accounts that have not logged in recently.
Disable account after X number of *days* since last login.Disable a MS user account after the specify X number of days.
Disable AD Domain repair on MS Accounts during AD sync.By default, ManagementStudio will update the AD domain of User accounts as they are found in AD. This setting disables that behaviour and the account domain will never be updated.
Data Sync
Sync Contact MetadataCopy updated contact information from User migrations.
Sync All Items BlueprintsGenerates all-inclusive blueprints (e.g. All App or App Users BP).
Sync Blueprints StacksRefresh links for Apps, Users, Devices, etc (e.g. Core Apps blueprints).
Sync Mirrored BlueprintsMirrors Blueprints from Apps to Users, Users to devices etc.
Rebuild Database IndexesRebuild Databases indexes if performance is slow especially around User-App-Device links.
Display a 'Low Licence Tickets' warning when remaining tickets fall below X %.Display a low licence ticket warning when remaining tickets fail below X%.
Display a 'Low Licence Tickets' Error when remaining tickets fall below X %.Display a low licence ticket error when remaining tickets fall below X%.
Delete old Message AlertsInternal DB Maintenance task. Please do not disable.
Delete Orphaned Batch IdsInternal DB Maintenance task. Please do not disable.
Experimental settings are changes to core behaviour that may become the default in the future but can be opted into early if they are helpful to you. This is a SQL behaviour setting.
Customers can try this out and turn it off if they experience issues.
Add Read Uncommitted (NoLock) behaviour to main GridsEnable this to help load the Main grid a lot faster.
Add Read Uncommitted (NoLock) behaviour to DMRsEnable this to help load the DMR a lot faster.

Portal Localisation

In this section, a project Administrator can specify the messages the users will see when the forgot/change password event is initiated.

Forgot/Change Password Localisation

UI ElementDescription
Forgot Password is Disabled MessageSpecify the message to be displayed in the event a forgot password is disabled.
Info Account Header (Info)Specify the message to be displayed when an account password is changed
Error Account Header (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed when there is an account error.
Default Tag MessageThis is the tag message that is displayed under all portal messages to the user (Success, Warning, or Error). For example, If you require support, please contact [email protected]
Change Password Succeeded Message (Info)Specify the message to be displayed when the password change is completed successfully.
Change Password Invalid Url Message (Error)The error message displayed to the user when the change password link is invalid.
Change Password Account not found message (error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event where the change password account isn't found in the system.
Change Password Failed message (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event, the change password failed.
Change Password link Expired Message (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event a user clicks on a change password link that has expired.


UI ElementsDescription
Download Server Health ReportUsed to download the server health report.
Download Core LogsUsed to download the core logs.
Restart IISRestart the IIS service.
Export Anon Data StructureExport Anonymous data structure.
View Event Queue StatusView event queue status.
Email Core Logs (Weekly on Thursdays)Email the core logs to ManagementStudio inbox to process every Thursday. If any issues, we will reach out to you.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.