Global Settings

Modified on Mon, 24 Apr, 2023 at 11:29 AM



After successfully installing ManagementStudio, it is important to use this checklist to ensure the most common Global configuration have been set. The Global settings consist of the Site & Email configuration and Portal Settings & Localisation.

Site & Email Configuration

In this section, you have the ability to set the global settings for the site and email config. The following table provides details of the settings:

Site Settings - Public UrlThe public address of the ManagementStudio instance. E.g. Http://ManagementStudio:90
Email EnabledEnable/Disable ManagementStudio's ability to send out Emails
New Account Set Password Timeout HoursConfigure how many hours the 'Set Password' link is valid for after a new account is created. The default is 48 hours.
Forgot Password EnabledEnable/Disable users ability to use the 'Forgot Password' page to reset their password
Forgot Password Reset Timeout HoursConfigure how many hours the 'Reset Password' link is valid for after being generated. The default is 6 hours.
Email Settings
SMTP Server AddressSpecify the DNS name of the SMTP server. Do not use an IP address. E.g. This article shows the required settings for sending via Office 365: Office 365 SMTP Settings
Email Server PortSpecify the port number that the outgoing mail server will use to send and deliver emails. The default port of an outgoing mail server is 25.
Enable SSLEnable/Disable the ability to use a SSL connection.
Per Minute Send LimitLimit the number of emails that can be sent per minute to workaround limits such as the O365 (30 emails per minute)
Retry LimitSpecify the number of times that ManagementStudio attempts to send an email if the email fails to send due to a network or related issue.
Email Authentication
Email Account UsernameThe username of the hosted mailbox being used.
Email Account PasswordThe Password credentials of the hosted mailbox being used.
Pass Through AuthenticationEnable/Disable the ability to use ManagementStudio ApplicationPool Identity account to authenticate with the email relay server.
Email Account DomainBy default, this is should be left blank

Portal Settings & Localisation

In this section, a project Administrator can specify the messages the users will see when the forgot/change password event is initiated.

Forgot/Change Password Localisation

Forgot Password is Disabled MessageSpecify the message to be displayed in the event a forgot password is disabled.
Info Account Header (Info)Specify the message to be displayed when an account password is changed
Error Account Header (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed when there is an account error.
Default Tag MessageThis is the tag message that is displayed under all portal messages to the user (Success, Warning, or Error). For example, If you require support, please contact
Change Password Succeeded Message (Info)Specify the message to be displayed when the password change is completed successfully.
Change Password Invalid Url Message (Error)The error message displayed to the user when the change password link is invalid.
Change Password Account not found message (error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event where the change password account isn't found in the system.
Change Password Failed message (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event, the change password failed.
Change Password link Expired Message (Error)Specify the error message to be displayed in the event a user clicks on a change password link that has expired.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.