Dashboards - How to Create a New Dashboard

Modified on Tue, 26 Mar at 10:07 AM



This step-by-step guide will walk through the steps involved in setting up custom Dashboards in ManagementStudio.

For an overview of the Dashboard please refer to this guide: https://support.managementstudio.com/a/solutions/articles/14000128885

ManagementStudio includes a number of built-in Dashboards. This guide will focus on the steps involved in creating a new, custom Dashboard.

Step 1 - Creating a Custom Dashboard

  • Click Dashboards (1) -> Dashboard Designer (2).

  • Click Menu (1) -> New Dashboard (2).

  • An empty Dashboard will be created.
  • Each tab is known as a Panel.
  • The individual items added to the Panels are known as Charts.

  • Click the Button (1).

Step 2 - Setting up the Panel 

  • Enter a header for the panel such as Applications. This will appear as the tab label. Click on Panel Options (1) and enter the header (2).

It's important to define which data within ManagementStudio should be displayed within the Panel. One or many data sources can be used for a single panel:

  • Click one or more Data Sources such as Apps Data Source or Users Data Source in the Configure Data Sources area of the ribbon.

  • Change to the Panel Apps Data Source area in the ribbon.
  • Select All Applications.

  • Click on th Plus symbol to add more panels to the dashboard.

Step 3 - Adding Charts to the Panel

  • In the chart picker ensure the dropdown is set to Applications or the target module.
  • Drag the Application Process Totals chart onto the panel.
  • Drag the Application Readiness chart onto the panel.

  • Click Menu -> Save Dashboard.

  • Enter a name for the Dashboard such as Test Dashboard (1).
  • Enter a brief description of the dashboard (2).
  • My default (3) - This will be the dashboard you see when you click on the dashboard button.
  • Public to All (3) - Any User can chose to view this dashboard, but they can't edit it.
  • Click Save New (4).
  • Click Restart.

Step 4 - View the Dashboard

  • Click Dashboard (1) -> My Dashboards (2) -> Test Dashboard (3) to view the new Dashboard.

  • The new dashboard will be displayed.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.