The Status Totals Widget is conceptually very similar to the Process Totals widget in that shows a real-time count of Apps, Users, Devices etc in each Process Status rather than Process. The Process Status is one of five statuses that can be assigned to a Process. They are 'Not Started', 'In Progress', 'On Hold', 'Ready', 'Out of Scope'.
The Process Statuses allow very large Process tress to be boiled down to succinct charts.
- Status Only
- Shows only the total is each of the five Statuses
- Recommended Chart: Pie / Bar
- Process vs Status
- Adds Processes to chart axis
- Count of Status that form the Process
- Recommended Chart: Bar - Stacked
- Status vs Process
- Add Statuses to chart axis
- Count of Processes that form the Statuses
- Recommended Chart: Bar - Stacked
Adv. Arguments
Support Modules
Applications, UserMigrations, Devices, Mailboxes, BespokeModule, DeploymentUnits, Defects, Tasks
Supports Chart Types
Clustered/Stacked Bar, Pie & Doughnut Charts
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.