The Status History widget shows the movement of App, Users, Devices etc. though Process Statuses over time. E.g. the number of Apps in the 'Not Started' status would drop week on week while the number of Apps in the 'Ready' status would grown.
- All Statuses
- Shows all five Statuses
- Shows all five Statuses
- Specific Statuses
- Shows a sub-set of the five Statuses
- Use the Process Status option on the Data Source to decide which Statuses to show
- Note: The 'All Items' option on the Data Source must to be selected for this variant to work
Adv. Arguments
- Arg1
- The number of weeks to look back in time
- E.g. '12' would look back at the last 3 months of Status history
Support Modules
Applications, UserMigrations, Devices, Mailboxes, BespokeModule, DeploymentUnits, Defects, Tasks
Supports Chart Types
Line / Spline Charts
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.