How to use the Link Tables within a Survey

Modified on Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 at 1:45 PM



Sometimes it might be useful to display a table of links with a survey. For example a List of Apps for Users, List of Devices to User, List of mailboxes a User has access to etc. ManagementStudio has the ability to display this within a survey. This guide walks through the steps required to display the List of Devices to a User.

Set up Survey

  • Navigate to Administration -> User Migrations -> Surveys (1).
  • Click New Survey or Select from an existing Survey using the dropdown menu(2).
  • Select Display Fields (3) from the tabbed menu on the left.
  • Click New Field (4) to add a new field in the Survey.

  • In the new field, ensure the Special Control Type is set to Link-Devices (1).
  • The Special Control Text (2) will display as the header text above the table of links.
  • In the Special Control Args (3), specify the columns you want displayed in the table. 

ManagementStudio will use the internal default columns if none is specified. All field names found on the Grid Config page of the item's admin tab can be used.

  •  The following arg will display the Hostname, Process, Device Type and operating system of the device and also allow the user to remove the device from their profile.
    • Columns : Hostname , Process , DeviceType , OperatingSystem; AllowRemove : Yes ;
  • Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  • On the Survey, there should be the following User-Device links table displayed.

  • The following argument will filter the list and only display all devices in the '4. Migrating' process.

Columns : Hostname , Process , DeviceType , OperatingSystem; AllowRemove : Yes ; Filter : Process = '4. Migrating';

A common use case for the Filter argument is to hide the Core apps from the Application List on a user's survey. This can be achieved by adding the Special Control Args Filter: IsCoreApp = False; to an Application List

Syntax - Filter: IsCoreApp = False AND ProcessStatus <> 'Out Of Scope';

The filter syntax above will exclude all the core apps and also applications that have the process status as out of scope.

Note that the core applications must have the IsCoreApp flag checked for this to work

The Links Table supports a number of arguments. For more information, Please refer to

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.