How to Add a Button to a Web Datamining Report

Modified on Mon, 13 Nov, 2023 at 5:14 PM



It may be useful to add a button to a web datamining report and share with logged in users or anon users who can perform updates to the systems without having access to the client. This article will cover the steps required to create a button within a web datamining report.


Step 1 – Create a Survey

A survey page is required to be linked to the Web button on the Datamining report. This example will outline the steps needed to create a Web Defects Datamining where a logged in user or an anonymous user will be presented with a button to update a defect via the web datamining report.

  • Browse to Administration >[Target module]>Surveys(1).
  • Click New Survey (2), enter the name of the survey (3).
  • Click Save Changes (4).
  • Make a note of the Survey Id (5).
  • Ensure the fields within the Comments & Completed By panel are turned off.
  • Ensure the options within the Buttons panel are amended as required.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Defect survey output example


Step 2 – Enable Datamining Web Viewer

  • Browse to Administration >[Target module]>Portal (1).
  • Ensure the following options are enabled:
    1. Enable Authenticated Web Viewer(2) 
    2. Enable Anonymous Web Viewer (2) 
    3. Portal Enabled (3)
  • Click Save Changes (4).

It's possible to link the survey to either logged in or anonymous users. In this example, we will be enabling the option for Anonymous users.

  • Scroll down to the Anon View 1 panel.
  • Specify the required Anon Access level using the dropdown menu (1).
  • Using the dropdown menu against View Item survey, select the survey created from step 1 (2).
  • Click Save Changes.



Step 3 – Create a Web Datamining Report

  • Switch to the Target module, in this case, the defects module.
  • Select a group of defects or all defects on the grid.
  • Click Datamining Report.
  • Select the fields required in the report from the reporting tier (1).

Add Button to DMR (WebButton)

Click Add Expression Columns (2).

  • Click Add Web Button (3).
  • Enter the following (4):
    1. Enter the Name of the Button
    2. Select the Button type (Survey Button). NB You have the option to create a Self-Schedule and Script buttons
    3. Enter the Survey id of the survey created in Step 1.
    4. Select the required Open in option using the dropdown menu
      • New Tab – opens in a new tab
      • This Tab – opens in this tab
      • Split Tab – Displays on the bottom screen
  • Click Run Datamining Report (5).


Add Button to DMR (Manually)

See the PowerShell page for more info on Url-activated buttons


'<a href="https://{ServerUrl}/{ProjectId}/p/a/script/{InstanceId}/{ScriptId}?ikey={Instance_RandomKey}&skey={Script_UrlExecKey}" target="_blank">Unlock Slot</a>'

E.G. DMR Expression Column

<a href="' + UserMigrations_MigrationId + '/999?ikey=' + UserMigrations_RandomKey + '&skey=ATKU0VBRKH" target="_blank">Unlock Slot</a>

Complete DMR Config

  • Click Save Report.
  • Enter the name of the Report (1).
  • Ensure the following options are enabled (2):
    1. Create authenticated Web Url to view report
    2. Create anonymous Web Url to view report
  • Click Save report/Update Existing (3).

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated



Step 4 – View Web Datamining Report

  • Click Menu located at the top left (1)
  • Select Web/PBI Endpoints (2).
  • Click Copy Web page link to clipboard (3).

  • Open a Web browser.
  • Paste in the copied URL and press enter.
  • The report will be displayed.

  • Clicking on the Web Button will open the survey. Depending on what’s specified within the Open In option in the Data Mining Report, it will open the survey created in step 1 in either this tab, a new tab, or a split tab.


Special URL Parameters

The below parameters are used to control the web view:

  • NoCache
  • PageLength
  • NoTitle
  • NoDescription
  • NoExcelButton

Example Usage


Further Support

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