Endpoint Reports (for PowerBI)

Modified on Sun, 8 Sep at 7:43 PM


What are Endpoint Reports

Rnd points reports allow 3rd party tools such as PowerBI, PowerShell, Postman etc to read data directly from a REST API endpoint. 


Endpoint reports require two leaves of security to be enabled. Each report type has its security options. 

  1. Admin -> Project Settings -> Project Polices -> Report Endpoints
    1. There is one rule per endpoint report type
  2. Create a Role that allows the User to run an Endpoint report and add them to it. 
    1. There is one permission per endpoint report type

When reading from an Endpoint Report a User/Pass or auth Token needs to be supplied in the headers

Testing a Report

We suggest using Postman to build and test the report before creating it using PowerBI. The examples and screenshots in the article are from Postman.


Datamining Report

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/{projectId}/p/report/Datamining /{dmrId}/{headers}/{format}

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/1/p/report/Datamining/0/prefixed/json

  • ProjectId: Id of Project to read data from
  • DmrId: Reserved for future use, use 0
  • Header: How to label the column headers on the report
    • PrefixedName: Applications_AppVendor
    • InternalName:  AppVendor
    • DisplayName: Vendor 
  • Format: What format to return the report as (Json, csv, Html)

Supported Header Groups

  • DataSource Headers
  • Standard Datamining Tier Headers
  • Readiness Tier Headers
  • Auth Headers

When adding tiers, name each tier with the numbers 1-5, with the primary tier being Tier1.

Example  - 2 Tier DMR with Apps and Users
Datamining-Tier1-Module = Applications
Datamining-Tier1-Fields = AppId, AppVendor, AppName, AppVersion

Datamining-Tier2-Module = UserMigrations

Datamining-Tier1-Fields  = SamAccount, Domain, Email


Projection Report

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/{projectId}/p/report/Projection /{module}/{report}/{format}

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/1/p/report/Projection/Applications/0/json

  • ProjectId: Id of Project to read data from
  • Module: Name of the module to run the report against e.g. UserMigrations
  • Report: Reserved for future use, use 0
  • Format: What format to return the report as (Json, csv, Html)

Supported Header Groups

  • DataSource Headers
  • Readiness Tier Headers
  • Auth Headers

Report Headers

Report-ReadyPerWeekintNumber of items that can be made ready per week
Report-LookAheadWeeksintNumber of weeks to look into the future
WhatIf-ModulestringCalc readiness against this module. e.g. App Readiness for Users


Blueprint Readiness Report

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/{projectId}/p/report/BlueprintReadiness/{module}/{report}/{format}

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/1/p/report/BlueprintReadiness/UserMigrations/default/json

  • ProjectId: Id of Project to read data from
  • Module: Name of the module to run the report against e.g. UserMigrations
  • Report: Which history report to run
    • Default  - Report only on selected items
    • OneLevel - Expand Blueprint Folders to one Level 
    • AllLevels - Expand Blueprint Folders to all levels
  • Format: What format to return the report as (Json, csv, Html)

Supported Header Groups

  • Readiness Tier Headers
  • Auth Headers

Report Headers

Report-BlueprintIdslist intList of Blueprint to include in the report
Report-BlueprintFolderIdslist intList of Blueprint Folders to include in the report
Report-RemoveColumnslist stringList of columns to remove from the result
Report-WhatIfSideBySideboolCompare cusomised What-If tier vs the default What-If tier


History Report

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/{projectId}/p/report/history/{module}/{report}/{format}

Url: HTTP://your.managementstudio/1/p/report/history/applications/details/json

  • ProjectId: Id of Project to read data from
  • Module: Name of the module to run the report against e.g. UserMigrations
  • Report: Which history report to run
    • Details
    • CustomForm
    • Surveys
    • TestSignedOffs
    • Links
  • Format: What format to return the report as (Json, csv, Html)

Supported Header Groups

  • DataSource Headers
  • Auth Headers

Report Headers

Report-StartDateDate/NumA date 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm' or a number of Days to go back'-90'
Report-EndDateDate/NumA date 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm' or a number of Days to go back'-90'
Report-VerboseboolAdd verbose data to history report 'true'
Report-IncludeTitleboolAdd Title of App,User,Device etc. 'true' 
Report-FilterOnPropertyList StringPrefilter results by the changed property name 'AppVendor, Process' 
Report-GroupOnPropertyList String
Report-RemoveColumnsList StringRemove columns from the returned data set


Header Groups

DataSource Headers

DataSource-AllboolInclude all items in the result report
DataSource-IdsList IntList of Item Ids (Apps,Users etc) to include in the report
DataSource-ProcessIdsList IntInclude Items in these Processes in the report
DataSource-SubProcessIdsList IntInclude Items in these Sub Processes in the report
DataSource-ExcludeProcessesboolExclude items in the above two lists from the report
DataSource-ProcessStatusList StringInclude Items in these Process statuses on the report
(Inactive, InProgress, OnHold, Ready, OutOfScope)
DataSource-ExcludeProcessStatusboolExclude items in the above list from the report
DataSource-AppStatusList StringInclude Apps in these App statuses on the report
(Accepted, Pending, Rationalised, Rejected)
DataSource-ExcludeAppStatusboolExclude items in the above list from the report
DataSource-BlueprintIdsList IntInclude Items in these Blueprints in the report
DataSource-BlueprintFolderIdsList IntInclude Items in these Blueprint Folders in the report
DataSource-ExcludeBlueprintsboolExclude items in the above two lists from the report
DataSource-DeployUnitIdsList IntInclude Items in these Deployment Units in the report
DataSource-ExcludeDeployUnitsboolExclude items in the above lists from the report
DataSource-IncludeArchivedboolInclude Archived items in the report
DataSource-IncludeDeletedboolInclude Deleted items in the report

Standard Datamining Tier Headers

Datamining-TierX-ModulestringModule Type of the Tier
(Applications, UserMigrations, Devices, etc)
Datamining-TierX-FieldsList StringList of Fields to include on the report (AppVendor, AppName, etc)
Datamining-TierX-HistoryFieldsList StringList of Fields to include the last modified value, date, user
Datamining-TierX-CustomFieldIdsList IntList of CustomField Ids to include on the report
Datamining-TierX-HistoryCustomFieldIdsList IntList of CustomField Ids to include the last modified value, date, user
Datamining-TierX-OptionsList StringList of options to simulate ticking on the Tier (e.g. Add Last 5 Notes)

Readiness/What-If Tier Headers

Then using What-If in Projection/Blueprint Readiness Reports use the prefix 'WhatIf-'. When running Datamining Reports use 'Datamining-ReadyX' where X is the tier number. 

{prefix}-ModulestringModule Type of the Tier
(Applications, UserMigrations, Devices, etc)
{prefix}-IncludePendingAppsboolInclude Pending Apps in the Readiness calculation
{prefix}-ExcludeCoreAppsboolExclude Core Apps from Readiness calculation
{prefix}-IncludeDependenciesboolInclude Dependencies in the Readiness calculation
{prefix}-IncludeArchivedDeletedboolInclude Archived/Deleted items in the Readiness calculation
{prefix}-ReadyIdslist intList of Ids to consider 'Ready' 
{prefix}-OutOfScopeIdslist intList of Ids to consider 'Out of scope'
{prefix}-Custom-ReadyProcessIdslist intList of Processed to consider 'Ready
{prefix}-Custom-ReadySubProcessIdslist intList of Sub Processes to consider 'Ready'
{prefix}-Custom-OutOfScopeProcessIdslist intList of Processed to consider 'Out of scope
{prefix}-Custom-OutOfScopeSubProcessIdslist intList of Sub Processes to consider 'Out of scope '
{prefix}-ExcludedLinkIdslist intList of Link Ids to exclude from Readiness calculation 

Auth Headers

Auth-UsernamestringUser/Pass combo used to log into MS. 
Auth-PasswordstringNote: SSO is not supported
Auth-TokenstringAuth token that can be created from Admin -> User Accounts -> Create Auth Token