Testing - New Test Wizard

Modified on Wed, 19 Jan, 2022 at 2:54 PM



The Sign-Off wizard guides the user through the configuration options available when creating or modifying a Test Sign-Off. This wizard is available within all the modules in ManagementStudio. It consist of a user interface that presents a sequence of dialog options to help create a Sign-Off test which could be a User acceptance test (UAT), Quality Test (QA) or Compatibility test etc.


The example that follows will use the User Migration Module to illustrate the concept of creating a new User Migration Test sign-off. Please note, this is available within the other modules.


The Test Sign-Offs tab needs to be enabled within the Admin Section. Administration\Select relevant Module\Main Tabs.

  • Switch to User Migrations module
  • Double click on a User Migration record from the grid
  • Click Test Sign-Offs (1) tab

Note: A Test Type needs to be defined within the relevant module before proceeding. Please refer to this article for more information: https://managementStudio.com/a/solutions/articles/14000114323

  • Click  New (2) button from the control bar at the top.

  • Click Next (1) to initiate the process.

  • Select the Test Type (1). This is defined in the admin section of the module.

  • Click Next (2).


  • Select Tester (s)
  •  If you are looking for a specific contact enter part of their name in the Add Contact box (1). The control will wait until at least three characters are entered before applying the filter to the Existing Contacts Dropdown (2). When enough characters (3 minimum) are entered into the Add Contacts, this list will be filtered to any matches. Select the relationship between the contact and object (3).
  • Click Add (4).
  • The tester will be displayed (5) as a tester. Repeat this steps if you want to add more testers.
  • Click Next (6)

  • Choose the Blueprints (1) this test should apply. it is ok to select no Blueprints. 
  • Click Next (2).

  • Specify the Testing windows (1) by defining the start date/time and the End date/time of the test.

Note: The Test windows is the time during which the sign-off link is valid and is used to report on late test results.

  • Select the machine to perform the test on (2). You may manually enter the device name.
  • Ensure the checkbox Attach RDP File to email (3) is ticked if you require the file to be sent in the email to the tester.
  • Click Next (4).

  • Review the summary page (1) and optionally add note (2) for the tester to see. 
  • It is possible to click back and make changes if required. 
  • If Sign-Off Email (3) is ticked, the contact will receive an email. 
  • Click Finish (4).

  • Schedule the emails for sending (1).
  • Click Send Emails (2).
  • The testers will receive an email defined in the admin section complete with a link in the email taking them to the test.

More information on the testing tab

Creating Test Types

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.