Test Sign-Offs: Settings

Modified on Wed, 20 Apr, 2022 at 4:55 PM


ManagementStudio uses Test Sign-Offs as a method of enabling administrators to collate test information from users, such as UAT or post-POC feedback.  Users interact with ManagementStudio directly via a web browser.  

This document discusses the Settings panel of a Test Sign-Off. Although the examples within this document reference the Applications module, Test Sign-Offs are supported in Users, Devices, Applications, Mailboxes, Deployment Units, Bespoke, and Defects.

For further information about how to configure other Test Sign-Off panels, please visit:


Accessing the Test Sign-Off Settings Page

The Test Sign-Off configuration page is accessed through the Administration section:

  • Switch to Administration (1) and select the appropriate module.  The example below uses Applications.
  • Scroll to the Surveys, Sign-Offs & Self Schedule panel and select Test Sign-Offs(2).
  • The Settings tab will be displayed by default.


  1. Save Changes: Save changes after creating or editing a Test Type.
  2. Cancel Changes: Dismiss any changes to the Test Type since the last save.
  3. New Test Type: Create a new Test Test Type.
  4. Select Test Type: Choose the Test Type to review/edit/delete.
  5. Delete Test Type: Delete the selected Test Type.

Create a New Test Type

  • Click the New Test Type button (1) from the toolbar:

  • Enter a name that describes the test (this will be used throughout ManagementStudio as a reference) and click OK to confirm:

  • Ensure that Is Enabled is ticked (1) and click the Save Changes button (2)

Settings Page

The Settings page contains the internal controls and configuration options that are required to manage a Test Type.  When a new Test Type is created, many of the fields are populated with default values to simplify the customization process for a ManagementStudio administrator.  The sections are:

  • Internal
  • Page Text
  • On Screen Messages
  • Test Options
  • Comments & Completed By
  • Email
  • Buttons
  • Calendar Reminder
  • Misc Options

Information about the application and test user can be retrieved from ManagementStudio and added to the form by referencing Keywords in the text areas.  For example, Hello [TestSignOff-FirstName] will be substituted with Hello Matt in the test form. Rich text formatting is provided by HTML and Markdown.


  • Test Type Name: The internal name used in the Test Type dropdown selector in the main button toolbar.
  • Is Enabled: This controls whether the end-user is able to access the web page associated with the Test Type.  When disabled, the user will see an error message.
  • Test Type Id: The internal ManagementStudio ID for the Test Type.

Page Text

The Page Text panel contains the text that appears on the test's web page.

  • Header: The headline title or greeting that appears at the top of the page (point 1 in the image below),
  • Sub Header: The test's sub-title (point 2 in the image below),
  • Description: A text area that introduces the test's purpose to the user (point 3 in the image below).

For example:

On Screen Messages

On Screen Messages are displayed when a user submits a test. 

  • Complete Message: On successful completion of a test, the text contained within this field will be displayed.
  • Error Message: If an error is encountered, the text within this field will be displayed to the user.

Test Options

The Test options panel contains parameters to define the portions available to the administrator when creating a new test using the Test Sign-Off Wizard:

The options available are:

SettingResult in the UI
Show Blueprint Wiz Page: Show or hide the page that allows an administrator to assign the test to a particular Blueprint.

The image to the right illustrates the Blueprints page that is controlled by this option.
Blueprint Tree Root: If only part of the Blueprint structure is to be displayed, enter the ID that should form the root. To display the entire Blueprint structure, enter 0 (zero).

The image opposite illustrates the Blueprint structure found in the Administration section. ID 6 was entered into the Blueprint Tree Root field which results in the structure shown in the previous row for the New Sign-Off Wizard image.
Show Device Wiz Box: When enabled, this option presents a list of devices to the administrator that is available for testing.  This setting is used in conjunction with Device BlueprintId Src, below.

Devices that are already allocated to a test during the testing window are identified by a dark grey background.

The adjacent image shows the effect of enabling this setting in the New Sign-Off Wizard.
Device BlueprintId Src: The ID of the Blueprint that contains the devices used for testing. For further information, refer to Allocating Devices to a Test Pool.

The image opposite shows the Blueprint ID that contains the test devices for the Application UAT. When entered into Device BlueprintId Src, it enables the list of devices to be populated in the New Sign-Off Wizard, as illustrated in the row above.
Show Rdp Option: Determines whether the test administrator has the option to include an RDP file to the notification email in the New Sign-Off Wizard.

The screenshot to the right shows the option enabled and disabled as it appears in the wizard.
Show Rdp Option is enabled:

Show Rdp Option is disabled:
Attach RDP file: This setting determines whether the New Sign-Off Wizard attaches an RDP file by default. The images opposite show the effect on the UI.

If Show Rdp Option (above) is enabled, the test administrator has the ability to overrule the value specified by Attach RDP file.  However, Attach RDP file is useful if the option to attach an RDP file to the email isn't available (Show Rdp Option is unchecked).  In this scenario, enabling Attach RDP file will ensure that the file is attached to the test notification email.  Likewise, the RDP file will not be attached if Attach RDP file is unticked.
Attach RDP File is enabled:

Attach RDP file is disabled:
RDP Template: The Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection can be pre-configured to provide a specific user experience.  Connection information, session behaviour, device redirection, and display settings can all be customised from the RDP Template field.

In addition, ManagementStudio keywords are also supported. The image to the right includes the remote computer hostname, as specified by full address:s:[TestSignOff-ResolvedDeviceName].

Note: The user associated with the Test Sign-Off is stored as a Contact record, not a User Migration.

For further information on RDP settings available, please refer to Microsoft's Supported Remote Desktop RDP file settings help page (external link).
The Remote Desktop Connection client pre-populated with settings by ManagementStudio:

Default Test Window Start Day. This is the number of days in the future to start the test window. eg 1 means to start tomorrow.
Default Test Window Length. This is the default test window length. It simply reflects the consecutive days.

NB - The default Test Start Day and Test window length can be amended when creating the Test Signoff.

Comments & Completed By

The Comments & Completed By section controls whether users have the option to leave comments and how the Test Sign-Off should be handled on submission:

  • Show Comments Box: Displays a large, multi-line text area for users to enter comments relating to the Test Sign-Off (point 1 in the image below).
  • Show Completed By: When enabled, this field allows a user to enter their name prior to submitting the Test Sign-Off (point 2 in the image below).
  • Comments Trigger Fail: When a user enters a comment into a Test Sign-Off, the Results field is set to Fail in the ManagementStudio interface. This is to help easily identify Test Sign-Offs that may require further attention.
  • Lock On Complete: By default, a Test Sign-Off is locked on submission to prevent users from revisiting the form and changing information.  Deselect this option if users will be required to modify the data after submission.  Please note: The ManagementStudio console provides the ability to unlock Test Sign-on an ad hoc basis.


Users are notified by email that their participation in a Test Sign-Off is required.  Two options are available:

  • Send Reminder after X Days: ManagementStudio will remind users to complete the Test Sign-Off if no response is received within 14 days.
  • Send Email on Complete: When selected, this option will send an email to the user confirming that their response was received.


The following settings enable the text that appears at the bottom of the Test Sign-Off to be customised:

  • Pass Button Label: Provide alternative text for the Pass button.  For example, Submit
  • Fail Button Label: Provide alternative text for the Fail button.  For example, I have a question.

Calendar Reminder

Administrators have the option to attach a calendar appointment covering the test period specified when creating the test.  The following options are available:

  • Attach Calendar Reminder: Enabled by default, this will attach a calendar (.ics) file that the recipient can add to their diary.
  • Calendar Subject: The subject used for the calendar event as it appears in the recipient's diary. ManagementStudio Keywords are supported.
  • Calendar Location: The location of the calendar event as it appears in the recipient's diary. ManagementStudio Keywords are supported.
  • Calendar Description: The main body of text that will be used in the calendar event.  ManagementStudio Keywords are supported.
  • Calendar Reminder X Min: This is the amount of time in minutes before the event is due to occur that the calendar software will remind the user.

Misc Options

  • Save Test As PDF: With this option enabled, a screenshot of the Test Sign-Off page is attached to the parent object when submitted. This is available as a download.
  • PDF Attachment Type: When PDFs are attached to a record, they are assigned to categories to help locate files more easily.  By default, the following options are available:
    • App Test Sign-Off PDF
    • App Test User Attachment
    • Change Request
    • Discovery Docs
    • License Info
    • PRF
  • Test Attachments Type: This option specifies the tag that is used on attachments when uploading to the record. The options are the same as in the previous setting.

Further Support

If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.