The Survey is used to engage with the end-users to gather information and feedback. During a project lifecycle, a project coordinator might have mistakenly sent out a survey to a list of Users within the organisation and the User's survey subsequently locked after they have submitted the survey. This article will outline the steps required to bulk unlock a user's survey using a custom PowerShell script.
Step 1 - Determine the Survey Id for the Survey
- Switch to Administration>User Migrations>Surveys (1).
- Select the survey from the dropdown menu (2).
- Click Settings (3).
- Make a note of the Survey id (4).

Step 2 - Configure the PowerShell Script
Create a PowerShell script to unlock & reset the email stats of the target survey.
- Switch to Administration>PS Scripts, Emails, Buttons (1).
- Under Powershell Scripts select the top item (it will have the name of the current project)
- Click on Click here to add new item (2).
- Enter a script name.
- Click on the Edit (3) symbol and enter the following script.
Please change the survey id to match the id noted in step 1
Update-MSLockSurveyForModuleItems -InstanceIds $ScriptArgs.Items -Module UserMigrations -SurveyId 9 -UnLock Reset-MSSurveyEmailStatsForModuleItems -InstanceIds $ScriptArgs.Items -Module UserMigrations -SurveyId 9
- Click OK (4).
- Click the Column Picker button and tick Grant Access 2
- Enter the following within the specified columns
Columns | Details |
Script Name | Survey unlock - Any name can be used |
Enabled | Ticked |
Category | Internal -Unlock survey |
Description | Script to unlock a specified survey |
Click Edit to edit the PowerShell script | Paste in the script. See note above for changes that are required. |
Module | ManagementStudio |
Run As | Api Account |
Grant Access 2 | Power User role group or the role group of users you wish to grant access to be able to run this script. |
- Click Save Changes (5).
Step 3 - Configure the UI Button to Run the Unlock Script
- Administration>PS Scripts, Emails, Buttons
- Under the UI Buttons node select User Migrations
- In the screenshot below, the target survey is the Office 365 Migration Survey.
- Click on the Plus (2) symbol next to the target survey.
- Enter the Name of the Button label, select the Grant access 1 level from the dropdown menu (3).
- Select the Script name within the Run Script column(3).
- Click Save Changes (4).
- Click on Restart.
- Switch to the User Migrations module.
- Select the Users you would like to unlock their surveys on the grid.
- Right Click and select Surveys->The target survey>Survey button created.
- Click Continue to confirm.
- Within a few minutes, there will be a message displayed 'Survey Lock Complete'.
Further Support
If you require further support, please visit ManagementStudio's Service Desk to search the knowledge base or create a new support ticket.