How To Setup Conditional Emails

Modified on Fri, 14 Jul, 2023 at 9:56 AM



ManagementStudio is a comprehensive solution that has been specifically developed to effectively manage conditional emails, including robust support for multiple languages. This feature enables project teams, communication teams, and other users to effortlessly send visually appealing HTML email content in the language preferred by the recipient. Whether it's sending emails on a predefined schedule or triggering them based on specific events like application readiness or survey completion, ManagementStudio offers a highly versatile and powerful functionality. This feature has gained significant popularity and is widely utilized by many of our valued customers.


  • ManagementStudio account in the Project Administrator role

Creating Conditional Emails

Conditional emails consist of a default email that is initially sent to the user and "child" emails that are substituted and sent instead if specific conditions are met. These conditions can be based on Detail Fields (e.g., Language = German), Custom Form Fields (e.g., APPDSC\Location\Country = Germany), Blueprints (e.g., Location\Country\Germany), or Blueprint Folders (e.g., Location\EMEA).

To create a set of conditional emails, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by creating all the emails in the set, such as English, French, and German booking invitations.
  2. On the "child" emails, set the "Conditional Parent" email as the default email that the system will send, such as the English version.
  3. After saving these changes, you will notice that the "child" emails now appear under the default email in the interface.
  4. On the default email, specify the field that will serve as the condition to be checked.
  5. On the "child" emails, fill in the "Send Condition" field. This value will be used by ManagementStudio to match and send the respective alternate child email instead of the default email.
  6. A send condition must be specified for each child email to ensure that these emails are sent based on the defined conditions.

Condition Field Options

The Condition Field is where ManagementStudio will look for the values to check.

  • Detail Fields:
    • DetailField: {Field Name}
      • E.g. DetailField: Language
      • E.g. DetailField: CustomList1
  • Custom Fields:
    • CustomField: {Custom Field Id}
      • E.g. CustomField: 1234
    • CustomField: {Custom Field Path}
      • E.g. CustomField: APPDSC\Location\Country

  • Blueprints:
    • Blueprint
    • No additional options are required.

  • Blueprint Folders:
    • BlueprintFolder
    • No additional options are required.

Condition Send Options:

The Condition Send what values ManagementStudio will match each 'child' email on.

  • Detail Fields:
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of values to match.
    • E.g. EN or EN,IE,DE

  • Custom Fields:
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of values to match.
    • E.g. EN or EN,IE,DE

  • Blueprints:
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of Blueprint IDs that the user can be in.
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of Blueprint Path IDs that the user can be in.
    • Note that partial paths are supported, and ManagementStudio will select the first folder that matches the path.

  • Blueprint Folders:
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of Folder IDs that the user can be in.
    • Enter a single value or a comma-delimited list of Folder Path IDs that the user can be in.
    • Note that partial paths are supported, and ManagementStudio will select the first folder that matches the path.

Create a UI Button to Test the Emails

Using the screenshot below create a UI Button to test this new email:

  1. Turn off Emails, turn on Buttons
  2. Create a folder for the button
  3. Create the button. Ensure this has the Send Email set to the parent email, in this case Booking Email - EN
  4. Click Save Changes

Test The Email

  • Restart the ManagementStudio client to enable the new UI button
  • Navigate to User Migrations -> All User Migrations
  • Create a test User Migration by clicking New-> Add a First Name, Last Name and SamAccount, click New
  • Set the Primary Email to your email address
  • Set the Language to FR
  • Click Save User Migration
  • Navigate to the User Migrations grid
  • Select the test user -> right-click -> General Emails -> Multi-language Test

  • Send the email with these settings:

  • The French email should get queued and sent: