Widget - DMR Field Totals

Modified on Sat, 15 Apr, 2023 at 4:52 PM


The DMR Field Total Widget allows columns from a Dataming Report to be summed or counted and displayed on a Dashboard chart. By default, the DataSources from the DMR will be used, not the DataSource set in the Dashboard. This allows complex filtering set in the DMR to be preserved in the Chart while still allowing all widgets on the Dashboard to be controlled by a single panel DataSources  

Any column from the DMR can be used including Expression Columns

Expanding the Legend panel and selecting a a section of the dashboard will launch the Datamining Report that created the data set.



Adv. Arguments

  • Datamining Report Id
    • The Id of the Datamining Report to run
    • required
  • Group & Sub Group By DMR columns
    • The internal column name pivot into a chart
    • e.g. for a single column group this will group apps by vendor Applications_AppVendor
    • Adding another column will provide sub groups.  e.g.   Applications_AppVendor, Applications_PackageType
    • required
  • Count \ Sum \Top 
    • Additional parameters for controlling the widget

    • Count 
      • Count: Applications_AppId
      • Note: Sum can not be used in conjunction with Count

    • Sum
      • Sum: UserMigrations_Total
      • Note: Count can not be used in conjunction with Sum

    • Top X
      • e.g. Top: 20; will return the first 20 results
      • by default it will only show the top 10 results

  • Sort (asc / desc)
    • Sort: Asc;  for ascending by Total
    • Sort: Desc;  for descending by Total
    • Sort: Label Asc;  for ascending by Label
    • Sort: Label  Desc;  for descending by Label
  • Filter
    • Add a chart-specific filter NOTE: This overrides the filter in the DMR
    • e.g. Filter:Devices_HostName like 'PC0006*'
    • Use && To ADD to the existing DMR Filter. e.g.   && Devices_DeviceType like 'Desktop'

  • DataSource: DMR
    • Use the DataSource as specified in the DMR, not the Dashboard DataSource
    • e.g DataSource: DMR;
    • Note the Filter set in the DMR will always be used regardless of which DataSource was used. 
  • Sperate parameters with a ;
  • Example
    • Sum: UserMigrations_Total; Top: 15; Sort: Desc;
    • Count:UserMigrations_HostName; Filter:Devices_HostName like 'PC0006*'

Carriage returns are permitted between Sums & Filters and Multiple Filters are allowed but the columns must be on the Datamining report

Many graphics can be created on the same page from 1 or more datamining reports.

Support Modules

Applications, UserMigrations, Devices, Mailboxes, BespokeModule, DeploymentUnits, Defects, Tasks

Supports Chart Types

Clustered/Stacked Bar, Pie & Doughnut Charts